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  • Considering the $350 billion combined spending power of Millennials and Gen Z, brands have made it a priority to reach them, motivate them, and inspire loyalty among them. But how? Here's what a panel of experts from Facebook, Airbnb, Lyft, Ellevest, and InterQ Research suggested marketers do.

  • Most marketers want to deliver consistent omnichannel experiences, but 4 out of 10 still struggle with launching integrated campaigns across channels. This infographic highlights marketers' key omnichannel challenges and needs. Take a look.

  • Although most companies have defined and crafted a brand story, senior executives are not sure whether the value proposition is conveyed accurately by employees to potential customers, according to recent research from FocusVision and InnerView.

  • Marketing controversial products or services—such as cannabis and cosmetic surgery—involves more than following rules and regulations. The legal and ethical landscape in those markets is dynamic, continually creating hurdles and challenges for marketers. Here are five marketing strategies to help educate consumers and build trust in controversial markets.

  • Consumer behavior is continually evolving, both adapting to and influencing our permanently connected world. How can marketers—and, more broadly, businesses—keep up with the pace of change and evolving consumer behavior?

  • Fortnite's live performances and Netflix's new ventures are evidence that younger audiences' expectations of content are changing: They don't want to just watch it, they want to experience it. What will be the next way to grab mass audiences' precious time and attention?

  • Mark Smith of Kitewheel shares research findings from the 2019 State of the Customer Journey report, and explains how the data reveal B2B as the biggest growth sector in customer journey management.

  • Today's consumers have endless options, so they expect you to compete for their brand love. That's why forging a genuine connection with them is so important: It will secure their loyalty.

  • What does the language used in tweets by popular digital marketing influencers reveal about their personalities? Which personality traits do marketing influencers tend to have in common?

  • Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes International, explains how to use your automation efforts in combination with human interactions to achieve the best possible results.

  • For successful growth marketing, PR, and promotions, today's marketers need digital tools, including browser extensions, to bring their marketing communications strategy to life. Check out these top digital tools and Chrome extensions.

  • Personalization is powerful: It improves customer experience, it increases brand loyalty, it drives revenue, and it promotes creative consistency across marketing channels. Check out this infographic on the power, potential, and process of personalization.

  • What can you really achieve with a solid email marketing strategy? What is a realistic email goal for your business? This article walks you through four real-world examples of businesses that set goals and used email to achieve them.

  • You haven't heard from them in a while, and they don't respond to your messages like they used to... Is this a break-up? Sometimes, you just have to remind your subscribers of the good thing you had going. That's why the re-engagement email is so important.

  • Even when you create a great piece of content, it might never be seen if it's not promoted and shared. Promotion is critical to the success of your content strategy, in general. To ensure your content gets seen and generates leads, use these 10 unpaid, organic content-promotion tactics.

  • Nearly 30% of Americans, that's some 70 million people, regularly listen to at least one podcast. For any business, that's a huge opportunity to tap into a market hungry for content, especially in niche areas of interest. Your podcast audience is waiting for you...

  • Digital experiential technologies are redefining everyday processes and influencing a variety of industries, from retail to real estate. See how retailers can harness AR and VR to propel their marketing initiatives, enhance the shopper experience, and drive sales.

  • Your welcome emails set the tone for the relationship with your subscribers. If recipients come to know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to open, click, and buy from your future emails. Here are five elements of a welcome email series that'll tip the scales in your favor when you're ready to promote your offers.

  • You produce marketing content, and you're considering video because it engages audiences as no other content can. But how much does a video cost to make? It's tough to find an accurate and one-size-fits-all answer—because there are numerous considerations. This infographic breaks those down for you.

  • Brand safety is being redefined by consumers. Marketers today need to look beyond just making sure their ads don't appear in controversial contexts. Brands' usage policies, partnerships, and even political campaign contributions are now in play. Here's advice on how to keep your brand safe.