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  • Instagram Stories and Stories ads are viewed by millions of people every day. However, figuring out how to engage and retain audiences with these formats can be challenging.

  • Triggered email—deployed when an individual takes an action or meets a condition defined by the sender—has been around since the early 2000s. Use the tips and tactics in this article to create more engaging, personal triggered emails with better engagement.

  • B2B customers want conversations with brands to be accurate and fast, and most say they will stop using communication channels if those expectations aren't met, according to recent research from Drift and Heinz Marketing.

  • We're all familiar with the way influencing plays out in sponsored posts on YouTube and Instagram and various other social platforms, but it can also be a valuable strategy in the B2B world. Here's how to get it right for your company.

  • Lindsay Tjepkema, the CEO and a co-founder of Casted, talks about going behind the scenes of a podcast about podcasts, while on a podcast. It gets pretty meta! She also shares some brilliant marketing advice for anyone who has (or wants to start) a podcast.

  • The exercise of creating a messaging framework helps you better understand your company—not just what it does but also how and why. Most important, it helps you determine how you should communicate with your market. Here's the what, why, and how of messaging frameworks.

  • The newly released 11th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends report features how content marketers in North America have been adapting to conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Planning events in the post-pandemic world will require an audience-focused strategy to enable innovative adaptations and messaging that will engage attendees. Learn how to do that effectively by using this checklist.

  • This infographic from Spear and Uberflip explores effective content types for each stage of the sales funnel (early, mid, late) and provides tips for connecting with target audiences throughout the buyer's journey.

  • Explainer videos allow us to promote our products and services while also sharing valuable information that our potential customers need. Follow these five steps to ensure your video hits all the right notes for your audience.

  • Salespeople and marketers have long been told that to succeed it is essential to ABC: Always Be Closing. But what exactly does that mean? Which tactics and strategies consistently encourage leads to say "yes"?

  • In the fleeting digital world, empathy toward your customers is an invaluable asset. But companies that fail to let their audience peek into their own human side also fail to build trustful and lasting customer relationships. Doubly so in B2B. Here's how you can solve that problem.

  • To get the most out of video marketing, use the sales funnel concept to tailor video content and messaging to buyers' stage in their purchase-decision journey. You'll improve the chances of conversion—and increase sales and revenue.

  • Particularly when you're dealing with B2B prospects and clients, product videos provide a direct and effective form of communication that can speed up the decision-making process. If you do them right.

  • Marketing automation workflows can engage customers and generate significantly more conversions and sales than ad hoc email campaigns. These are seven workflows vital to successful campaigns.

  • Email is one of the most well-established digital channels, yet many marketers continue to make common mistakes.

  • Most marketers know that having a speedy website matters. But just how important is site load time?

  • Whether it's a global pandemic or a data breach, a crisis of any kind can negatively impact your company's operations and reputation. So, what can marketers say and do to keep customers informed and satisfied until the crisis is over? Here's useful advice.

  • Overwhelmed, marketers have little time to learn what the customer really wants, let alone produce the content that really speaks to people on a deep level. The result is a content crisis. But it's possible to create and connect content to the customer journey and lifecycle. And to do it at scale.

  • The proportion of major advertisers that say they are strongly committed to content marketing has doubled over the past two years, according to recent research from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and The Content Council.