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  • You should avoid using acronyms, emojis, memes, GIFs, and all-caps in your work emails if you want to come across as serious, intelligent, trustworthy, and professional to your co-workers, according to recent research from Fundera.

  • Podcasting represents an amazing opportunity to be heard by and connect with your audience. It gives you the power to educate, entertain, inform, inspire, get laughs, incite tears, and touch listeners on an emotional level. Is your mic powered up?

  • Dan Dunn, founder of programmatic direct mail company Paperplanes, discusses how the shift to digital advertising has opened up valuable opportunities for marketers using direct mail.

  • Do email newsletters still work, or are they a thing of the past? See what 17 successful digital marketers have to say about the effectiveness of email newsletters for online stores.

  • The potential power of the press release is sometimes misunderstood by marketers who aren't studied PR practitioners. Acting on those false beliefs, however, can be fraught with problems, so here are some best-practices regarding press releases as marketing tools.

  • Looking to get inside the mind of a Millennial? Check out this infographic, which explains why this generation shops differently and how marketers can adapt.

  • Influencer marketing grew out of celebrity endorsement, but with nearly everybody now on social media... it turns out that relatively ordinary, down-to-earth people are often the best influencers. But how do you find the influencers most suitable for your business?

  • More emails are now opened on mobile devices than via webmail clients or desktop software, according to recent research from Return Path.

  • B2B mobile usage is intensifying throughout the entire buying cycle. Here are four ways B2B companies can use mobile marketing to keep pace with the customer journey.

  • You lost your prospect to a competitor you've been enviously watching win again and again. What's happening? And how can you stop it from happening yet again?

  • Content is still one of the best ways to engage your customers—but you must rethink it... It's not about beautiful stories about your brand; it's about high-value, behavior-changing content about, and for, your customers and their aspirations.

  • We now live in the Testimonial Economy, where what we say about ourselves doesn't matter, what others say about us is what sways opinion, and bad reviews can override even the best marketing plan and the most strategic sales plan.

  • You want your customers and potential customers to think of your content less as annoying advertisement and more as valuable, useful, or enjoyable marketing. Consider these seven types of content proven to help you increase leads and optimize conversion rates.

  • Sometimes, your content crashes and burns. That might mean no one reads your article, it doesn't get shared, or you get bombarded with nasty comments. But, all that's OK. In fact, it might be for the better.

  • Jay Stocki of Experian Marketing Solutions explains addressable advertising—what it is, how it works, and why it's the future of TV advertising.

  • Marketers say search engine marketing and social media advertising are the most effective paid channels for distributing content, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • The results are in, and marketers like you want more: more content showing up in search, more content driving visitors to your website, and more content guiding prospects through the sales cycle. This calls for a more effective system for creating more content using the resources you already have.

  • Consumers in the United States now use mobile devices more than desktop computers to search online for information related to family vacations, luxury travel, and couples travel/honeymoons, according to recent research from Google.

  • Emails received on Fridays have the highest average engagement rates (opens, clicks, etc.), and emails received on Saturdays have the highest average conversion rate, according to recent research from Yes Lifecycle Marketing.

  • Most consumers want brands to be honest and friendly on social media, not snarky and trendy, according to recent research from Sprout Social.