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  • Gmail is the most popular email service provider in the United States, and the iPhone is the most commonly used device for accessing email, according to recent research from SendGrid.

  • When used well, chatbots can increase both profitability and customer satisfaction. Read on to learn how to implement them in a smart way that helps your business and your customers.

  • Editors of online publications say the top 2 reasons they reject guest or contributed content from brands are that the pieces are too promotional and the pieces are not a good fit with their readership, according to recent research from Influence & Co.

  • Facebook is the most used and the most valued social network by both B2B and B2C marketers, according to recent research from Social Media Examiner.

  • Facebook is the most used and the most valued social network by both B2B and B2C marketers, according to recent research from Social Media Examiner.

  • The latest data from Unmetric shows the best times to post on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Pay close attention: Each platform has its own peak days and hours.

  • Email personalization has evolved from [first name] in an email to an entire series of emails customized for preferences and behaviors. Check out the future of hyper-personalized email and see steps you can take to make it work for your marketing.

  • B2B marketers are more likely than B2C marketers to apply personalization to emails and websites, according to recent research from Evergage and Researchscape International.

  • Just over half of digital marketers say their company publishes online content daily, according to recent research from The Manifest. However, the frequency of publishing tends to vary significantly based on company size.

  • Email subject lines that express gratitude tend to outperform email subject lines that do not, according to recent research from Cheetah Digital.

  • Instagram influencers who have 1,000 to 5,000 followers tend to garner more engagement from their audiences than do influencers with larger followings, according to recent research from Mavrck.

  • Instagram influencers who have 1,000 to 5,000 followers tend to garner more engagement from their audiences than do influencers with larger followings, according to recent research from Mavrck.

  • If your marketing campaigns aren't performing as well as you'd hoped, it may be that they're falling on deaf—or even alienated—ears. Here are five mistakes you need to stop making.

  • The FTC's Telemarketing Sales Rule applies to everyone. Yes, there is a specific exemption for B2B calls, but marketers must understand the law and use caution.

  • Don't let your email program get stagnant. Just because it seems to be working doesn't mean you can't improve it. Check out this graphic for tips on seeing your emails with fresh eyes.

  • Influencer marketing can result in high ROI, but marketers must know what type of influencers and which platforms are best for their brands.

  • Influencer marketing can result in high ROI, but marketers must know what type of influencers and which platforms are best for their brands.

  • What types of email-signature banners draw the most interest? Does it help to include a call to action? Which are more effective: horizontally or vertically aligned units?

  • Spanish is the second-most commonly spoken language in the US, and that offers a huge opportunity for marketers. Check out this infographic for stats about Hispanic market share and Spanish use on the Web.

  • Your email program is vital for turning one-time buyers into loyal customers. Here are some tips to make your emails effective in improving customer retention and encouraging loyalty.