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  • How can we marketers map our messages and voice to ensure our audiences are comfortable with both, and create a neat fit between message, product, and medium? Watch the video to find out.

  • B2B vendors that create thought-leadership content tend to underestimate the impact of these pieces and overestimate their quality, according to recent research from Edelman and LinkedIn.

  • There are critical differences between leads generated from a search query vs. leads generated from referrals and other sources. Common sales approaches can hurt your chances with search-generated leads. You need a customized approach to convert them instead.

  • YouTube and Amazon were the sites that made the biggest gains in organic search engine visibility last year, according to recent research from Searchmetrics.

  • Customer lifecycle assessment is all about steady improvement—identifying weaknesses so you can eradicate them. The potential rewards of optimizing your customer retention process is so significant in the B2B world, you wouldn't want to give short shrift. Here's your action plan.

  • B2B customers are demanding education and advice as part of the sales experience. They see through the bright and shiny marketing speak. They want proof. Real thought leadership is that proof. Take these four steps to identify your company's most powerful thought leaders and their perspectives.

  • A single image can have a significant impact on the performance of an email campaign by ensuring that customers receive a compelling and personal experience. Selecting images with maximum appeal requires considering a range of factors. See how to select those impactful images.

  • A lot of marketing directors are constantly tweaking their messaging—because it just isn't doing what they want it to do. And it's not easy to fix... with so many moving parts. But here are five of the most common issues that show up in marketing messaging of all kinds. Let's straighten them out, shall we?

  • You probably have a social media presence and a blog, but if you really want to make a lasting impression on your online audience, you need to be creating videos. Here's a look at why video marketing is one of the most effective methods of brand promotion there is—and how you can use it to your advantage.

  • Many consumers do not devote their full attention to what's happening on the field while the Super Bowl is on, according to recent research from AdColony.

  • Two heads are better than one, right? So let's explore the immense possibilities of content created through collaboration. We start with 5 reasons to produce collaborative content, and then move on to 15 ways to bring collaborative content to life. See how to make content creation easier, more fruitful, and highly effective.

  • How can busy marketers make time for learning when we're already having trouble keeping our head above water with our day-to-day responsibilities? Podcasts are one of the most efficient ways to learn (and teach). They're easy to access, portable, economical. But where to start? Check out this list of 18 podcasts.

  • "Customer participation" is sometimes used interchangeably with "customer engagement," but the former is so much more than the latter. In today's competitive business landscape, customer participation trumps customer engagement. Here's why the time to invest in customer participation is now.

  • Content marketing has proven itself time and time again, but merely producing content doesn't guarantee business or even marketing success. There's already too much content being produced. So what's the solution to making content marketing work for you? The answer is content distribution, and here's what you can do about it.

  • Direct response copywriting isn't easy. Your job is to drive conversions and sales, and that requires a savvy sense for your audience, a firm grasp on your value prop, and an arsenal of powerful writing tricks like these.

  • 21 industry stars, 21 pieces of valuable advice for you to up your marketing game in the new year: don't miss this special yearend video episode of the Marketing Smarts podcast!

  • Most US adults say brands should respond to consumers' comments on social media within a day, according to recent research from Clutch.

  • Small businesses have a reputation for being more personal than big corporations, but that doesn't mean that technology can't help. In fact, chatbots may be a way to give your customers even more customized attention than you could otherwise. Check out the infographic to see how.

  • Most B2C marketers are seeing improved results from content marketing and plan to increase their spending on it in the year ahead, according to annual research from MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute.

  • Many of us make the mistake of treating LinkedIn as simply an online Rolodex or a glorified CV, rather than an inbound marketing channel that can be optimized for sales inquiries. That is a huge misstep. Find out how to turn your LinkedIn profile into a powerful inbound sales asset.