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  • Paid search, also known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is a part of search engine marketing (SEM). It's an effective way to drive search traffic your way quickly and consistently. But how does it work? And why should small and midsize businesses be using it?

  • Your website is how customers find your business—and how you find customers. Which is why your site must be search-optimized. But search algorithms evolve quickly. You need to keep pace with SEO trends. This infographic helps you do that.

  • Most marketers know that measurable ABM success isn't as simple as doing the same programs you already run, pointed towards a new set of accounts. Instead, there are added needs of personalization and tight alignment with outbound calling teams. Sponsored by Engagio.

  • How often have you clicked on a search result and then clicked away because the site didn't load quickly? A lot? Yes, that's common. In 2019, site speed is the name of the SEO game. You can either keep up with speed expectations, or you can lose out.

  • Katie Robbert, CEO of analytics firm Trust Insights, explains how automation can make your job easier and your marketing better.

  • Because of the many benefits they provide, specialized online communities that cater to specific interests, including specific brands, have begun to emerge. That's because they can be what traditional social platforms can't: true communities for the like-minded.

  • "Artificial intelligence": you've heard the term, you know it's a trend, you know you're "supposed" to be using it... But if you were asked to explain in a few short sentences what it means for marketers, could you do it? If not, then you've found the right article.

  • Images are key to making your social media posts get noticed. But those images—whether cover photos, profile pics, or visuals in timelines or news feeds—need to be the right display size. The problem? Social platforms often change their guidelines on optimal display sizes. The solution? This infographic.

  • Curious about the endless capabilities Marketo can offer you? Join Michel Holland, senior solutions consultant at Marketo, for this in-depth demo where you'll see their marketing automation platform and learn how to attract, engage, and close more deals with it. Sponsored by Marketo.

  • You'd think we'd be naturals at this whole "talking to other humans" thing. After all, even though we're marketers, we never stop being customers ourselves, and we're more familiar than most with how brands grab our attention successfully (or not). Here's how our marketing can be more human—and more effective.

  • Revisit the emails you sent to your B2B audience recently. How many ideas, emotions, and benefits did each message contain or refer to? How many possible responses could it have elicited? Chances are... too many! For high-converting emails, follow this rule instead.

  • What annoys consumers most about content from brands? Which experiences frustrate people most when consuming content, in general? Adobe surveyed 1,000 US consumers and found the answers to those questions.

  • We marketers have been trying for years to decode the most enigmatic generation of our time, Millennials. But many of them are now marketers themselves, and they have set their sights on the next generation: Gen Z. Here are three ways we can break through to this rising generation.

  • 30 years ago, in March 1989, the first webpage was created by British engineer and computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee. This timeline infographic will guide you through the history of the World Wide Web. See how we got to where we are now.

  • Cold email is still an effective way of generating appointments and making new connections. B2B companies, in particular, can still send personalized, cold emails at scale. Here are cold-email principles you can use to create response-boosting outreach campaigns.

  • What proportion of emails sent by marketers ends up in consumers' spam folders? What proportion is flagged as spam. What proportion is flagged as not spam by recipients? Find out—for various verticals.

  • Social media, websites, email, SEO, videos, and content are the most popular digital marketing channels and tactics with small businesses, according to recent research from The Manifest.

  • Businesses that rely on organic search for sales and conversions know the importance of SEO, but ranking for keywords is becoming harder and more time-consuming. But there's plenty you can do about that. Complete these three SEO tasks to improve your site's organic search visibility across the Web.

  • So far this year, six naming trends have become prominent, or are becoming so. This article explains how each trend can be used and what benefits it can bring you. If you're ever tasked with naming a business or product—and you want it to truly stand out—check out these valuable insights.

  • Webinars are a great tool for any stage of the buyer's journey, but you're probably not going to get the level of attention and engagement you're after if your webinar is a sales presentation in disguise. Take these four basic actions to ensure better ROI for your webinar efforts.