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  • The definition of "employee advocacy" is straightforward: the promotion of an organization by its staff members. It's a low-cost, high-return way to increase brand awareness, drive engagement and attract talent. But can you show how that impact is related to business goals?

  • As marketers, we know that effective marketing puts the customer first. But how do we do that? How can we harness our most human of superpowers to deliver real value both to the customer and to the business? Start using empathy in marketing.

  • The pandemic has disrupted business (and life), and everyone is scrambling to adapt. Instead of enticing buyers with a promise of "better" as you likely did before COVID-19, you now need to do more: You need to make your sales offers far more valuable than ever.

  • Webinar attendees in 2019 typically joined via a desktop computer and watched for just under an hour, according to recent research from ClickMeeting.

  • Content strategy expert and author Ahava Leibtag shares advice on distinguishing your message by refining your B2B brand's voice and tone and by using plain language in your content.

  • We think our online writing is inviting. But, to readers, it can feel like falling into a hidden temple where the walls are spewing poison darts and they're being pursued by a big, bone-crushing boulder. It doesn't have to be that way.

  • Instagram is not a platform that businesses can afford to ignore—but it can be challenging for businesses that don't have "Instagrammable" products or services to share. Especially if yours is a B2B brand. But Instagram is worth your time and investment.

  • Most salespeople say they're facing fewer deals and more missed quotas because of COVID-19, and a majority also say the pandemic has driven them to shift to virtual selling, according to recent research from LinkedIn.

  • Our reality—living in a state of isolation, bombarded with messages about the importance of maintaining separation—is influencing the way we think and communicate. Our lack of social interaction is limiting our ability to communicate effectively. Including in our writing.

  • Most Americans say they would rather watch a 30-second advertisement in exchange for free content than share their email address with a company, according to recent research from BuzzStream and Fractl.

  • With some version of reopening on the horizon, marketers are having to rethink their marketing efforts, especially email—since so many of us have been relying on digital communication more than ever. What should our approach be now?

  • Although creatives know that their work creates tangible results for businesses, their work has often been undervalued by their more business-minded colleagues. Yet businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of creativity for achieving business objectives.

  • Buyers of B2B technology products and services say what they most want right now from vendors is information about how to get the most out of the solutions they already own, according to recent research from LeadMD.

  • In today's digital marketing landscape, many marketers still downplay the importance of images. Yet decades' worth of scientific research consistently demonstrates that people are much better at remembering pictures than words. Visuals just might be the most important marketing tool we have.

  • LinkedIn has been testing a new conversational format—LinkedIn Stories—to be released "soon." So, what does the introduction of LinkedIn's own version of Stories mean? Will it "kickstart conversations" and "nurture relationships," as LinkedIn hopes?

  • Because of the pandemic, companies are reconsidering how they communicate with their audiences. Many are unsure whether they should communicate at all, and some are uncertain what form their communication should take. This flowchart will help you make the right decisions.

  • The needs and wants of customers have shifted dramatically in the past two months, and companies that continue to move forward without adjusting will struggle for some time to come. Here are four ways B2B companies can provide helpful, impactful, and timely customer experiences during the pandemic.

  • To turn your first encounter with potential clients into an effective account-based marketing (ABM) relationship, you must engage your audience, establish credibility, and ask them for an easy "yes." Here's what you need to know.

  • Particularly in ABM, offline engagement tactics—such as B2B direct mail—can make an impression and differentiate you from your competition. When, post-pandemic, businesses reopen their offices, B2B organizations should give direct mail a serious look.

  • How do you sign off your marketing emails in a way that fits your brand—but still shows you're aware of what's going on during a tough time for your customers? Here's a chart with 30+ options, listed from best to worst, with brand-voice options both cheeky and formal.