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  • Taking customer feedback on social media can be brutal. It's like standing on a stage getting hit by flying vegetables. A possible alternative is to build an online community, which comes with added benefits for both your brand and your customers.

  • PR seems firmly tied up in a company's brand reputation vs. money-making ventures. But that perception needs to change, argues this article.

  • It's time for marketers to approach social media in a new way. According to Aaron Templer, the way we've been using it isn't effective, and it actually runs contrary to the way social groups operate.

  • Ahh! Crisis! What now? Before you attempt to communicate with the outside world, your internal crisis management must run smoothly. This article offers five tips to ensure it does.

  • Not all of us can be good at naming things, which is why we have brand-naming agencies and experts to make sure a new name rolls right off the tongue. This article gives five ways to tell whether a brand-namer is worth your while.

  • This infographic, based on survey data as well as internal data, in intended to help marketers find the right tone, topics, and engagement approaches for Twitter.

  • Mia Masson talks about the upheaval the event industry has experienced over the past two years, what the future of events looks like, and why building a community—even by accident—is a must for all marketers.

  • Industrial engineers want vendor marketers to provide information-rich technical content and want vendor salespeople to exhibit strong technical expertise, according to recent research from GlobalSpec and TREW Marketing.

  • Customers don't tend to abandon surveys in the middle of taking them. The trick to improving response is getting email recipients to open the survey in the first place. This article has some ideas.

  • Chatbots have moved well beyond the initial "Hello! How can I help you today?" B2B marketers can make great use of them in their account-based marketing strategy.

  • In the digital age, it can feel fruitless to market to people out "in the wild." But for a truly omnichannel approach, OOH ads shouldn't be ruled out. Here are six ways to take advantage of them.

  • Most people throw out how-to manuals and go straight to YouTube to understand how to do something, and they should be able to do the same for your company. Here are five ways to explain your business with video.

  • It's no longer enough to personalize emails using only the [your name] field. Customers are over it. Luckily, there's a better way to personalize: dynamic content.

  • So much new marketing technology, so little time. How do you choose? This article provides an argument for why geofencing is worth your investment.

  • Including day-specific hashtags in your posts can be a good way to start and join timely conversations on social media. So, which ones should you be using?

  • Customers love to give feedback, and companies should love it get it—especially because focused feedback can increase your lead conversion rate. Here's how.

  • In times of crisis, people say they want brand messaging to make them feel happy and motivated, according to recent research from Attest.

  • Online reviews are of course useful for prospective customers seeking information about a business. But the education goes both ways: Businesses can learn a lot from their own customers by paying attention to reviews. This article highlights five of the major lessons.

  • Most B2B firms do not have individuals or teams dedicated exclusively to account-based marketing (ABM), according to recent research from The Marketing Practice.

  • Creativity often drives marketing. But creativity is not measurable. To earn the right to experiment and be artistic in your marketing tactics, you have to first prove you're doing the science right—and that means learning to prove revenue.