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  • Marketing orchestration is a powerful approach in marketing automation and ABM. It focuses not on delivering standalone campaigns but on optimizing a set of related cross-channel interactions that together make up an individualized customer experience. In the process, you realize more pipeline and revenue.

  • Garrett Mehrguth, founder of Directive Consulting, explains why it's nearly impossible to rank for organic search terms, and shares tips on positioning your B2B brand for search.

  • What's not to like? 24/7 customer service, greater capacity to handle inquiries, fewer operational expenses, improved customer satisfaction... but there are challenges, too. Check out this overview of the benefits and challenges of AI chatbots.

  • "The show must go on," but until when, exactly? What do you do when a calamity or crisis turns your conference, training course, or event upside down? Do you continue, cancel, reschedule?

  • You've invested time and money to implement creative and cost-effective ways to bring relevant traffic to your site. You've even collected reviews from customers. So what's still missing? Thoughtful product descriptions that convert.

  • Email remains a powerful and valuable means of business communication for sales, customer support, and account management teams—for businesses and marketers, in general. This infographic highlights email stats and email responsiveness best-practices.

  • Content marketing has become a critical element of B2B marketing strategy. And for good reason: It can help build brand, authority, and awareness. Not to mention leads. To help you put together your B2B content marketing plan of action, check out these benchmark statistics.

  • Content marketing helps you build an audience that enjoys your content, engages with it, and shares it with peers. The result: a strong content-led company that attracts new and repeat customers. How can you build an ardent customer base with content marketing?

  • Trade publications are inundated with references to, and hype for, artificial intelligence. Everywhere you look, AI is being touted as the answer--even to some questions we aren't asking. Marketing is not immune to this push for AI. Quite the opposite, actually. But is it warranted?

  • Because the online content landscape is so crowded, audiences value originality that engages them. One way savvy content marketers are responding is to create compelling interactive content. Here are 4 types of interactive content you can build.

  • Marketers know that people gravitate toward a brand they relate to, and they respond to marketing and advertising messages that in some way mirror their lives. But when consumers' views of themselves change, as they inevitably do these days, how can we respond?

  • The future of marketing is all about performance—lead quality and revenue contribution. So, very soon, marketers' best friend will be conversational AI. Bots. User interfaces that rely on artificial intelligence and machine-learning to engage users, deliver leads, and increase conversions.

  • Millennial parents tend to think of technology as a parenting tool and are more concerned about safe content than content overload for their kids, according to recent research from Fullscreen.

  • Video's popularity has exploded, leading to YouTube's becoming a massive search engine. Chances are, your customers—and potential customers—are conducting searches there associated with the products or services you or your competitors offer. That's where YouTube bumper ads come in.

  • Even in the era of data protection legislation, some marketers continue to adhere to old ways. But a massive upheaval of marketing will occur in the next couple of years, which is why smart marketers will focus on building long-term relationships through personalization.

  • The Super Bowl attracts a broad viewership of football fans and nonfans, and it is still watched primarily on televisions screens, according to recent research from AdColony.

  • It doesn't matter whether you believe climate change is the great existential threat of our time. "Green" or "eco" branding doesn't always cut it. So how do we do what's right for the planet while still bringing in a healthy profit? Here are four ways to cut through the noise.

  • Without easy-to-follow guidelines, it's hard to ensure proper CCPA compliance, including the involvement of those (internally and externally) who have a role to play in compliance. So, if you feel behind or lost, or you don't know what to feel about CCPA, this article should help.

  • Today is the last day of National Clean Out Your Inbox Week. It's a good time for us marketers to think about how we contribute to our subscribers' email stress... and how we can instead lend a helping hand—and in the process improve the return on our email marketing investment.

  • Somewhere online—Google, Yelp, Facebook, Amazon, and so on—there are reviews of your product, service, or company. Some of those reviews are glowing, some are horribly negative, and some are in between. Here's how to handle reviewers and reviews of all kinds.