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  • The needs and wants of customers have shifted dramatically in the past two months, and companies that continue to move forward without adjusting will struggle for some time to come. Here are four ways B2B companies can provide helpful, impactful, and timely customer experiences during the pandemic.

  • To turn your first encounter with potential clients into an effective account-based marketing (ABM) relationship, you must engage your audience, establish credibility, and ask them for an easy "yes." Here's what you need to know.

  • Particularly in ABM, offline engagement tactics—such as B2B direct mail—can make an impression and differentiate you from your competition. When, post-pandemic, businesses reopen their offices, B2B organizations should give direct mail a serious look.

  • How do you sign off your marketing emails in a way that fits your brand—but still shows you're aware of what's going on during a tough time for your customers? Here's a chart with 30+ options, listed from best to worst, with brand-voice options both cheeky and formal.

  • In addition to being easier to understand and consume, video in general is more likely to be shared by users, making it an excellent marketing tool. They're also capable of being viewed or listened to by anyone, including those with disabilities—which is why you need to create accessible videos.

  • What do top-performing sales negotiators do differently? Do they tend to rely more on certain approaches and tactics than other sellers do? RAIN Group surveyed 262 salespeople who work in 26 industries. Here's what it found.

  • Our CX efforts are not selfless: We provide a positive customer experience because it drives repeat purchases and long-term loyalty. But what happens when there is a once-in-a-century pandemic? CX can't be about maximizing lifetime value.Yes, it's time to get real about customer centricity.

  • You've probably received emails from every brand you've ever interacted with over the past 20 years, telling you about what they're doing for their community and customers in these "unprecedented" times. Here are 30 creative alternatives to "unprecedented" you might use in your communications.

  • Done well, content marketing can be a powerful weapon in the B2B marketer's arsenal, helping to generate leads, nurture them, and convert them into customers. Done badly, it's ineffective and a waste of time and other precious resources. Here are some ways to do it well.

  • What does good look like when you are an email marketer, and how do you go from good to great if your email marketing program has plateaued? For answers, let's look at six things high-performing email marketers do that are better and different.

  • Most people say brands should continue to advertise during the COVID-19 outbreak, but they also say marketers should change the content of their campaigns to address the situation, according to recent research from Unruly.

  • There is a true golden ticket of marketing. With it, you can create effective, targeted communication that helps build lasting relationships with current customers and allows you to reach ideal customers in larger numbers. It can help you pave a path to strategic results.

  • Marketers create content to capture buyers' attention and move them to buy. But without "compelling reason to buy" messaging, potential buyers are left guessing about what your product does and how it can help them. Here's how to craft compelling, convincing messages.

  • Some 87% of US consumers and 80% of UK consumers say they are consuming more content across media channels because of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to recent research from GlobalWebIndex.

  • Marketing orchestration is a powerful approach in marketing automation and ABM. It focuses not on delivering standalone campaigns but on optimizing a set of related cross-channel interactions that together make up an individualized customer experience. In the process, you realize more pipeline and revenue.

  • Garrett Mehrguth, founder of Directive Consulting, explains why it's nearly impossible to rank for organic search terms, and shares tips on positioning your B2B brand for search.

  • What's not to like? 24/7 customer service, greater capacity to handle inquiries, fewer operational expenses, improved customer satisfaction... but there are challenges, too. Check out this overview of the benefits and challenges of AI chatbots.

  • "The show must go on," but until when, exactly? What do you do when a calamity or crisis turns your conference, training course, or event upside down? Do you continue, cancel, reschedule?

  • You've invested time and money to implement creative and cost-effective ways to bring relevant traffic to your site. You've even collected reviews from customers. So what's still missing? Thoughtful product descriptions that convert.

  • Email remains a powerful and valuable means of business communication for sales, customer support, and account management teams—for businesses and marketers, in general. This infographic highlights email stats and email responsiveness best-practices.