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  • It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to turn a one-time customer into a brand evangelist. That engagement usually begins with an email conversation.

  • How did the pandemic change workplace communication? Which technologies saw jumps in usage? What types of communication do workers now prefer? This infographic from Expert Marketing delves into those questions.

  • To support Sales, marketers need to cultivate leads and nurture them through the buying process—empowering leads and the sales team alike to have conversations with each other. See what needs to be done.

  • Marketing has the power to not only drive demand gen but also ensure the sales team has relevant, contextualized conversations with qualified leads. Learn what contextualized conversations are, why they work so well to convert leads, and how marketing automation can help you help Sales.

  • Your company may have its messaging content and tone perfected, but that counts for nothing if you're messaging customers at 3 in the morning on weekends. Go through the steps in this article to achieve total personalization of the customer experience.

  • Are you unwittingly sabotaging your cold-call sales by being too chatty, or failing to prepare, or reading straight from a one-size-fits-all script? Read this article to find out, and learn what to do instead.

  • What exactly is voice of the customer, and what impact can it have on your potential business growth? Nate Brown drops the mic on hurdles, tips, myths, and so much more.

  • Business adviser and author Bob Wiesner shares his insights on how to create stronger B2B case studies. He explains why case studies are important, what we marketers have historically done wrong with our case studies, how to do them right—and so much more.

  • Programmatic: it's not only an ad strategy aimed at acquiring customers but also a tool for recruiting employees. The technology allows employers to target and discover better job candidates.

  • The version of progressive profiling that most marketing automation companies espouse merely collects more data on prospective customers. But more data isn't enough. What you need instead is an understanding of those potential customers based on their behavior so you can significantly increase your chances of closing a sale.

  • When you're about to spend money on something, chances are you look up reviews of it first. But reviews and ratings aren't useful to buyers alone. Marketers can learn and benefit greatly from taking reviews into account.

  • Marketers can't be blamed for being overwhelmed by the seemingly endless choices that digital advertising offers. But do you have to embrace every option and every channel? There's a better way.

  • Businesses use social media listening most to attract new customers (17% cite as their primary motivation), provide better customer service (16%), and better understand customer preferences (16%).

  • There's a new way to create immersive and integrated events across the entire customer journey. Airmeet's Mark Kilens shares how organizations can discover, engage, and retain customers using event-led growth.

  • To find out the best times to post on social media, CoSchedule analyzed 37,219,512 social media messages from more than 30,000 organizations. An infographic summarizes the findings from the research.

  • How can B2B marketers make use of out-of-home (OOH) advertising? Learn how to get started, tackle hurdles along the way, measure your success, and more from AdQuick CEO Matthew O'Connor.

  • Who are the must-follow content marketing experts? According to Semrush, the top content marketing influencer in 2022 is MarketingProfs' very own head of content, Ann Handley.

  • Most Americans say they have signed up to receive mobile text messages from a business in the past year, according to recent research from SimpleTexting.

  • Give personality to a software feature. Provide an epic tale with a product update. Even business buyers are swayed by stories, which bring emotion—and humanity—to your brand.

  • Twitter is the go-to social network for journalists, but it isn't the top platform that the public turns to for news, according to recent research from the Pew Research Center.