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  • Writing to sell doesn't have to be difficult. Check out this graphic for basic tips, and remember not to overthink it.

  • Decision science expert and creative strategist Nancy Harhut shares email secrets from her upcoming B2B Marketing Forum presentation, "9 Insanely Effective Email Tactics You Can Use Tomorrow."

  • LinkedIn members most prefer to see content on the platform that is both educational/informative and relevant to their specific interests, according to recent research from the social network.

  • Blogging is a great way for sales reps to establish credibility, but it's up to us marketers to ensure the brand's best face is put forward with clear, concise, and appropriate messages that aren't too salesy. Here's how.

  • Imagine "McDonald's" with a formal, seriffed "M" or "Coca-Cola" in typewriter text. A brand's font speaks to a brand's qualities, and picking the right font is vital to your branding efforts.

  • Email is no longer the pushy channel it once was. Now it helps marketers guide prospects and customers to find exactly what they want, providing education and useful resources all along the customer journey. See how email has been transformed from an outbound to an inbound tactic.

  • Humor columnist and marketing expert Erik Deckers discusses creative writing techniques that can improve your content marketing.

  • Which search engine optimization (SEO) mistakes appear most often on websites? To find out, SEMRush used its site audit tool to collect anonymous data on 100,000 websites and 450 million webpages.

  • Facebook recently introduced new features that help advertisers garner more return on their social media advertising investments. These three features, especially, are worth a try.

  • Whether you're trying to contact a prospect, pitch an investor, email a press release to an editor, or strike up a conversation with a potential employer, email is one of the best ways to connect. But what if you don't have their email address?

  • "About Us" pages don't have to be boring. In fact, it's important to your brand that they not be: They provide you a good opportunity to help customers decide to purchase from you. Check out the infographic for inspiration.

  • Google ads are a competitive space. Check out this infographic for seven tips—with supporting data—to help you get the best ROI on your ads.

  • Some 82% of B2B buying committees now include at least one Millennial employee, according to recent research from SnapApp and Heinz Marketing.

  • Ready, set, go! Learn how to take the pace of your writing from snail to cheetah with these 15 tips to write faster.

  • Get yourself organized with social media image-sizing guidelines for Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube—all in one easy-to-read infographic.

  • Author, speaker, and entertainment business veteran Jeffrey Sass shares marketing lessons from his book, Everything I Know About Business and Marketing, I Learned From THE TOXIC AVENGER: (One Man's Journey to Hell's Kitchen and Back).

  • You did it. You built a solid hub of corporate content. But now what? You've got a well-planned content machine, but is it sustainable? Here's what happens when a good blog goes bad, and gets killed before it has a fighting chance to thrive.

  • Marketers say research reports and videos/motion graphics are the content types that generate the leads most likely to convert, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • These 15 email marketing tips and best-practices (with real life examples) for e-commerce are entirely actionable, and you can easily implement them to increase your conversion rate.

  • Social marketing is different because your audience talks back—immediately, directly, and sometimes not in your favor. If you're developing a social advertising strategy the way you would for PPC ads or email, you're missing a huge opportunity to capture market share.