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  • Your first draft doesn't have to be perfect, and your research doesn't have to take forever. By focusing on making yourself a pragmatic writer rather than a perfectionist, you can become both more creative and faster.

  • Amanda Milligan, branded content manager at creative digital agency Fractl, shares content marketing tips based on her experience helping B2B and B2C clients build brand awareness and achieve content marketing ROI.

  • The success of a direct marketing campaign depends, to varying degrees, on your list, your offer, and your creative. Getting those three things to work together in sync—in online and offline channels—will explode your results. Here's an overview, in interview format, of the fundamentals of direct marketing.

  • You worry that members of your sales team are not following the right messaging guidelines in their cold outreach to prospects. The solution: you give them email templates proven to work.

  • Bloggers are writing more long posts, spending more time crafting pieces, and publishing less frequently this year than in years past, according to recent research from Orbit Media.

  • Welcome to the world of Instagram—an immensely creative and engaging platform where you can connect with millions of users and promote your brand effectively. Read on for salient pointers on how you can use Instagram skillfully to promote your products and boost sales.

  • There are many elements of a logo to consider: colors, fonts, simplicity, timelessness, uniqueness, and—perhaps most important—the emotions it evokes. Check out this infographic for tips on creating just the right logo for your brand.

  • Even if you're not hunting for a new job, maintaining an updated LinkedIn profile can help you with future job prospects that you might not even know exist. Check out the infographic for tips on how to make your profile stand out.

  • Most marketers say it takes between one and six hours, on average, to create a piece of content, according to recent research from coSchedule.

  • To account for shifts in consumer behavior, marketers have to adapt their video marketing approaches to a mobile-first world in which text and video are forming a symbiotic relationship.

  • Which number in headlines for list-based articles/blog posts is correlated to the most social shares? To find out, Venngage examined the performance of 121,333 "listicle" articles/posts from brands and publishers.

  • Making a case for adding video to your content mix is easy. Research reveals that marketers who use video see faster revenue growth. Online retailers see higher conversion rates. And when offered as a content choice, video is preferred over whitepapers, case studies, demos, webinars, and e-books.

  • Spelling mistakes, broken links, an unclear call to action... we've all received marketing emails guilty of such sins. Make sure you're not on the sending end with this checklist of 10 things to avoid in your email campaigns.

  • In a world of mass emails and stimulus overload, personalization has become critical to B2B marketing. Buyers are becoming harder to identify and increasingly like consumers: They want personalized outreach and one-to-one interaction...

  • Customers today have seemingly contradictory demands: super-fast websites and immersive experiences. Web publishers would be wise to optimize their image-based assets, lest they lose visitors—and revenue—to slow pageload speeds.

  • Video ads can take more effort to produce than more static types of advertisements, so make sure that those ads are being seen by your key audience. Here's how to use YouTube advertising to target just the right audiences with just the right ads.

  • How have iconic logos evolved over time? Do logo changes tend to correspond to periods of revenue growth for brands?

  • It's time to talk about your website relaunch—and a frequent crucial misstep by too many marketers. Before moving too far along the relaunch process, ask (and answer) these seven questions.

  • How can you overcome a fear of public speaking? How can you deliver a winning presentation that encourages your audience to applaud, give you high marks on post-presentation surveys, and seek you out for a chat after the microphone is turned off? Here are a few recommendations and best-practices.

  • Congrats, you're 99% of the way done with your new or redesigned website project, but it's not time to relax just yet. Follow these website launch tips for a seamless go-live transition.