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  • E-books are valuable fuel for your content marketing engine. They assist in positioning companies as thought leaders, they provide value to customers and prospects, and they generate leads. But what should your e-book be about? And how do you decide?

  • How many hashtags and emojis, and number of characters—and what message types—should you be using for your social media posts? Today's infographic answers those questions about best-performing posts on six top social media platforms.

  • What's the first thing a potential employer thinks when he or she views your LinkedIn profile? Make sure you have a strong personal brand online to help create a positive and memorable first impression.

  • Why is it that some brands seem to achieve success with social advertising, whereas others struggle to find the right formula? Read on for five secrets from Facebook marketing pros to learn how your Facebook ads can have real impact on your bottom line.

  • When you have strong thought leadership content, you want to get it in front of the right audience. Twitter can be a helpful channel when it comes to reaching not just readers, but also influencers who can help create more conversations around your content and your brand.

  • This infographic walks you through the step-by-step process of creating Instagram Stories for your business and highlights some of the additional features of the platform you can use to encourage even more views and engagement.

  • If you're tired of low response rates on social media, it could be that you're taking the wrong approach to creating and sharing relevant content that captures and engages the attention of your audience. Settle in and start reading—we're going to show you how to do it right.

  • Video is ever changing—from '90s video clips on MTV to vanishing Snapchat Stories—and the platform that airs the content helps shape and refine both video and how it's used. So when you're considering using video in your next social media marketing campaign, also consider this advice.

  • Bank customers want personalized ads across channels, according to a report that asked consumers their thoughts on how banks advertise online. Check out the infographic for more tips on how banks can speak to their customers effectively.

  • People are busier than ever, and increasingly they are learning by listening to podcasts while multitasking. Accordingly, audio content might be the perfect choice to market your business or brand.

  • It's a battle as old as time: You've been assigned to an important project with a tight deadline, but your inspiration's running dry. How can you possibly be creative when the clock is ticking and the pressure is mounting?

  • An event attendee's experience doesn't start and end when the doors open and close. Vendors can build relationships before, during, and after events—and the right content is key to doing that. Check out the infographic for tips on how to use content to boost the impact of your event presence.

  • Keyword research is vital for success, because it's all about determining user intent. And without user intent, there is nothing guiding the content we create, the backlinks we aim to earn, and the on-page content we optimize.

  • If an explainer video is a snack, a long-form documentary (think 15 minutes) is the marketing equivalent of a four-course meal. The thing is... no content strategy can live on snackable content alone; sometimes, you need to serve up a full meal.

  • Those who consistently score likes, comments, and engagement with their Instagram posts aren't doing so by accident. By understanding the ins and outs of Instagram's most popular types of posts, you can fine-tune your own content strategy.

  • Customer experience (CX) leaders generate more revenue than companies that fail to prioritize CX. Brands become CX leaders by personalizing engagement in relevant and valuable ways. Here are four guideposts for getting CX right.

  • Instagram remains popular, yet the social platform is still something of a mystery for many marketers. To learn how to set up and use your brand's Instagram account to gain followers and engagement, check out the tips in today's infographic.

  • Infographics that garner an above average number of shares on social media tend to come from high-quality domains, tend to be around 600 pixels wide, and tend to have succinct titles, according to recent research from Growista.

  • Inbound marketing isn’t a tactic, but a process. It’s how you approach customer relationships. It requires an understanding of your company’s buying cycle, ideal customers, and the power of quality content, plus an acknowledgement that, as a marketer, you’re not in control—the customer is.

  • If used properly, user-generated content can be a huge asset for content marketers. UGC can save you time and money, and boost your credibility. Here are six UGC benefits—and ways you can profit from them.