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  • As more marketers realize the benefits of content marketing, the practice becomes even more competitive. Check out this infographic with stats from the past year and tips to help your B2B or B2C content marketing program really stand out and take off.

  • Journalists and writers may not be trained in marketing, but they can bring valuable and practical content-creation skills to marketing organizations.

  • Trying to continually strike a balance between creating engaging, high-quality content and producing it at scale can seem like a bad dream. But here's a proven process to help you dispel four common content creation nightmares.

  • Content-strategy insights and tips from best-selling author Jason Miller (Welcome to the Funnel), head of content and social media marketing at LinkedIn Sales and Marketing Solutions EMEA.

  • Voice search is gaining in popularity, and your brand has just one chance to get to the top of the search results and be the featured answer. This guide explains how to do that and why you'll want to get started today.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, discover the magic to storytelling in a digital world that inspires people to take action across channels. You'll learn five secrets that the most successful brands use to create cohesive narratives and how to tell stories that shift your content from noisy to necessary. You'll leave ready to create seamless, connected tales that inspire your audience to follow your trail to greater engagement and more conversions.

  • If your client, CMO, or manager views content not so much as king but as bastard prince, it's time to go to battle, breach some preconceived walls, and prove content's prowess. These eight tactical measures will help you do all that.

  • Using SlideShare for content marketing (think videos, documents, infographics, e-books, presentations...) can increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. But how can marketers use SlideShare for lead generation?

  • What changes or innovations will alter how we email in 2018? What will go away or become less relevant? What role will video play? What are some top tips for email marketers in 2018?

  • Getting people's attention on social media is more difficult than ever. But giving up isn't an option. So... what should marketers do? Create well-conceived, well-written campaigns that cut through the static, of course. Here's how.

  • Today's inboxes are more crowded than ever. But using smart design and tactics, marketers from brands big and small can build effective email campaigns. For inspiration, check out some of the best emails from 2017, along with tips to ensure your emails stand out.

  • With all the talk about the future of marketing, we sometimes forget about the changes happening right here, right now. Like voice search, which is already affecting search results. Here's how to capitalize on it with the right optimization techniques.

  • This cheat sheet goes beyond common spelling mistakes. Keep it handy to make sure you're using "affect" and "effect" properly, to help you refrain from splicing commas, to identify those sneaky dangling modifiers, and more.

  • Design trends are often the result of shifts in technology, pop culture, and the political climate, and they often point to larger cultural shifts. Here are four of the most compelling design trends that will be influencing 2018.

  • The Internet is worth a trillion pictures, according to an infographic about the rise of visual content online. Check it out to learn about ways writers can keep up with the visual competition, the types of ad photos that most appeal to us, and new visual technologies.

  • Livestreaming is fraught with risks at a time when a little bit of bad publicity can go a long way. But it's also a game-changer full of potential. It would be wise to explore how to use livestreaming to reach your customers on their preferred social channels.

  • As social media users, we think nothing of creating videos that are fun and entertaining. Yet, when it's time to use video in a more structured environment, say for marketing, suddenly videos are intimidating. But they don't have to be.

  • When marketing content goes viral, it can seem like your lucky day. But it's likely much more due to planning and execution than luck. Today's infographic shows you what goes into the making of content that gets shared far and wide.

  • Video plays an important role in driving consumer purchase decisions, so using your YouTube channel could be a great way to drive sales. But how can you convert subscribers into customers?

  • The most shared GIFs of 2017 were of a man blinking and a baby crying, according to recent research from Tenor, which also shares the most emotional moments of 2017, as viewed through GIFs.