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  • Two heads are better than one, right? So let's explore the immense possibilities of content created through collaboration. We start with 5 reasons to produce collaborative content, and then move on to 15 ways to bring collaborative content to life. See how to make content creation easier, more fruitful, and highly effective.

  • If you're struggling to drive traffic through search engines because your high-quality content is ending up on the third or fourth page of Google SERPs, this guide will show you how to identify the keywords you could be ranking for. Let's find the keywords you can be realistically competing for right now.

  • Which unconventional email themes—campaigns revolving around things like nontraditional holidays and special events—performed best for marketers in 2018?

  • "Customer participation" is sometimes used interchangeably with "customer engagement," but the former is so much more than the latter. In today's competitive business landscape, customer participation trumps customer engagement. Here's why the time to invest in customer participation is now.

  • The rise of smart speakers, smartphones, AI, and voice search is changing the SEO landscape before our eyes. Meanwhile, many marketers and businesses are just now catching up to text-based, traditional SEO. This is your opening—your opportunity to gain an edge over the competition.

  • Augmented reality can create an interactive experience for your customers, which can lead to more engagement and better brand loyalty. Check out the basics of AR and how to use it in your marketing strategy.

  • A change in calendar year is an ideal time to think about where things have been and where things are going. For email marketers, the future is bright—as long as we take advantage of important trends and apply best-practices.

  • What are some of the most prevalent technical and search engine optimization (SEO) mistakes on e-commerce websites? Which technology, security, performance, and content issues are many firms struggling with?

  • Marketers who understand the value of engagement in influencer marketing also understand the power of micro-influencers. These are regular people with regular social media accounts who are truly driven to share their passions. As a result, they have passionate followings—and incredible endorsement power. Here's what you need to know to harness that power.

  • Creating content is time-consuming, and video may be the most resource-intensive of all content types. But the payoff can be worth it. See how video is taking over, why you might want to get your brand on board, and which types of video are best for your audience.

  • Content marketing has proven itself time and time again, but merely producing content doesn't guarantee business or even marketing success. There's already too much content being produced. So what's the solution to making content marketing work for you? The answer is content distribution, and here's what you can do about it.

  • Consumers say the main reasons they click on paid-search ads are that the units directly answer their search queries and the ads mention familiar brands, according to recent research from Clutch.

  • Facebook users watch upwards of 100 million hours of video every day on Facebook, and video has become a powerful medium for brands on the platform. To maximize your reach and engagement on Facebook, follow these 8 guidelines for creating effective videos.

  • Direct response copywriting isn't easy. Your job is to drive conversions and sales, and that requires a savvy sense for your audience, a firm grasp on your value prop, and an arsenal of powerful writing tricks like these.

  • If you aspire to lean and confident writing in your marketing content, you'll avoid populating your prose with superfluous words. Simply put, the most effective writing and communication makes every word... communicate. Here's how to write less but say more.

  • Testimonial videos are ideal for the decision stage of the buyer's journey, when prospects are aware of and want to solve a problem, and they are looking for information to help them make up their minds. Help them choose you.

  • Some people—including many of your customers—practically live on Facebook (despite all the bad press it got in 2018). So how do they behave? What do they share? Who likes "love" most, or "haha"? Which are the standout brands? And so on and so on. Here's a handy wrap-up of Facebook reactions and actions in the past year.

  • You have a business that specializes in providing a B2B service or product. But all your keyword search terms return results that are B2C. The unpleasant outcome? High bounce rates, irrelevant traffic, and low conversion percentages. So, how can you attract the right kind of audience via search?

  • Storytelling and marketing expert Ron Ploof shares insights from his new book, The Proverb Effect: Secrets to Creating Tiny Phrases That Change the World.

  • The beloved American children's classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was published in 1939 by the Montgomery Ward department store. So it's tempting to think of it as yet another lasting piece of seasonal content marketing. Except Rudolph is so much more than that. It's also a handy framework for telling our own brand stories.