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  • Digital brand communities have grown in popularity, so it makes sense to explore some high-profile examples. A community's landing page is an important building block of an engaged, growing community. It's what draws people in. Draw inspiration from these 10 examples.

  • Even when you create a great piece of content, it might never be seen if it's not promoted and shared. Promotion is critical to the success of your content strategy, in general. To ensure your content gets seen and generates leads, use these 10 unpaid, organic content-promotion tactics.

  • Nearly 30% of Americans, that's some 70 million people, regularly listen to at least one podcast. For any business, that's a huge opportunity to tap into a market hungry for content, especially in niche areas of interest. Your podcast audience is waiting for you...

  • Digital experiential technologies are redefining everyday processes and influencing a variety of industries, from retail to real estate. See how retailers can harness AR and VR to propel their marketing initiatives, enhance the shopper experience, and drive sales.

  • Modern B2B buyers are acting more like consumers and demanding frictionless, convenient buying experiences. But delivering those experiences is easier said than done. Here are five key considerations for enabling your marketing and sales teams to exceed buyer expectations.

  • Your welcome emails set the tone for the relationship with your subscribers. If recipients come to know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to open, click, and buy from your future emails. Here are five elements of a welcome email series that'll tip the scales in your favor when you're ready to promote your offers.

  • You produce marketing content, and you're considering video because it engages audiences as no other content can. But how much does a video cost to make? It's tough to find an accurate and one-size-fits-all answer—because there are numerous considerations. This infographic breaks those down for you.

  • Twitter has 330 million active monthly users. More than 500 million tweets go out each day—roughly 6,000 tweets each second. How can you or your brand possibly stand out in the torrent of tweets?

  • Whether you're a big or small brand, today's consumers assume you know them and understand them—and can personalize their interactions with you online, offline, across devices, and so on. But where do you even start? Every CMO needs to consider these three key priorities.

  • Consumers say Facebook and YouTube are the online platforms with the greatest amount of offensive content, according to a recent report from AdColony.

  • Your website is how customers find your business—and how you find customers. Which is why your site must be search-optimized. But search algorithms evolve quickly. You need to keep pace with SEO trends. This infographic helps you do that.

  • Images are key to making your social media posts get noticed. But those images—whether cover photos, profile pics, or visuals in timelines or news feeds—need to be the right display size. The problem? Social platforms often change their guidelines on optimal display sizes. The solution? This infographic.

  • Acquiring new customers is hard. Keeping those customers is less hard—if you listen to them about their needs and wants and preferences. Which is why customer satisfaction surveys are so important. What can you ask about in your customer satisfaction surveys?

  • These days, the Web is where customers find your business—and also where we actually conduct so much of our business, whether that's for marketing or conducting online commerce. You simply can't afford to have your website running at substandard speeds. The handful of stats in this infographic make it clear why you need to boost website page-load speeds.

  • Revisit the emails you sent to your B2B audience recently. How many ideas, emotions, and benefits did each message contain or refer to? How many possible responses could it have elicited? Chances are... too many! For high-converting emails, follow this rule instead.

  • What annoys consumers most about content from brands? Which experiences frustrate people most when consuming content, in general? Adobe surveyed 1,000 US consumers and found the answers to those questions.

  • Although the concept of delivering quality content to educate and build trust with customers is a sound one, actually executing on that idea—in a way that serves both the customer and the marketer—has never been more difficult. But content marketing can—and will—be saved. Here's how.

  • How do you spot room for growth when the local SEO playing field looks too even? When you take a close look you'll find the opportunities for growth are there—and can have direct, measurable impact on both search engine visibility and the bottom line. A future-proof strategy exists.

  • Cold email is still an effective way of generating appointments and making new connections. B2B companies, in particular, can still send personalized, cold emails at scale. Here are cold-email principles you can use to create response-boosting outreach campaigns.

  • Most B2B marketers expect to ramp up their production of social media, website, and video content in the next 12 months, according to recent research. But there are differences among senior marketers and their junior colleagues. Here's what marketers think content in the year ahead.