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  • Only about half of LinkedIn users have a complete profile; yet, those who have a complete, optimized profile are about 40 time more apt to receive a job opportunity via LinkedIn. For all you need to know to create a highly optimized LinkedIn profile, check out this infographic.

  • Storytelling Summit for Marketers presenter and Brandscaping author Andrew Davis offers tips for producing video testimonials that inspire action.

  • Word-of-mouth recommendations remain the top way consumers discover new retail brands, according to recent research from Yes Marketing.

  • Brands that understand the value of partnerships with influencers are prioritizing the repurposing of influencer-created content. But extending the life of that content comes at a price, which is something marketers should be mindful of when beginning a partnership. Here are the important things you need to know.

  • Most marketers want to deliver consistent omnichannel experiences, but 4 out of 10 still struggle with launching integrated campaigns across channels. This infographic highlights marketers' key omnichannel challenges and needs. Take a look.

  • Experiential marketing has hit its stride. Once considered experimental or risky, it has now proven its legitimacy among major brands. So whether you're organizing an immersive pop-up, on-site virtual reality installation, or a live performance, follow these seven tips to achieve the ROI you're looking for.

  • A thought-leadership program drives value and builds trust. But many marketers struggle to identify their unique industry perspective, and then to integrate it into their messaging, positioning, and content. These five steps will help you kick off (or elevate) your thought-leadership program.

  • Millennials are expected to outnumber members of any other generation in the USA this year. How can savvy marketers make the most of this opportunity? What's the best way to reach out to the Millennial market? What kind of message is most likely to resonate?

  • The average length of brand videos in 2018 dropped significantly—that's the second year in a row—according to recent research from Vidyard.

  • Marketers are investing heavily in display ad campaigns to drive brand awareness as well as sales. But ROI hinges on being able to personalize ads to the consumer, showing them the right ad at the right time. Check out this infographic for ways to do that.

  • Tradeshows, conferences, live events in general have become essential components of exceptional marketing strategies. No other medium works better to create an emotional bond between your brand and its customers and prospects. Of course, there are right and wrong ways to approach live events.

  • Whether you're hosting a marketing department gathering, company meeting, or an industry conference, planning an event requires organization and plenty of time for preparation. See what event planners have to say about how to put together an event.

  • Creative assets that attract attention and leave a lasting, positive impression can pave the way for business growth. But marketers and advertisers often have trouble with crafting great visual and messaging assets. This article will help.

  • For successful growth marketing, PR, and promotions, today's marketers need digital tools, including browser extensions, to bring their marketing communications strategy to life. Check out these top digital tools and Chrome extensions.

  • Google will begin to add podcasts to search results. Soon, podcasts won't have to rely on Top 100 lists and word-of-mouth to be discoverable. This development will fundamentally change the medium. Here's what you need to know.

  • Instagram has over 1 billion active monthly users, 500 million of whom are active daily on the image-based social platform. Users' engagement with brands on Instagram is at least 10 times higher than on any other social platform. Worth paying attention to, right?!

  • What can you really achieve with a solid email marketing strategy? What is a realistic email goal for your business? This article walks you through four real-world examples of businesses that set goals and used email to achieve them.

  • You haven't heard from them in a while, and they don't respond to your messages like they used to... Is this a break-up? Sometimes, you just have to remind your subscribers of the good thing you had going. That's why the re-engagement email is so important.

  • Consumers say the main reasons they follow brands on social media are to learn about products/services and to be entertained, according to recent research from Sprout Social.

  • How much are influencers charging brands to post content to social media? How do these rates vary by follower count, social network, and content type?