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  • Even the most complex material can be generated and fleshed out in simple ways—via straightforward processes—to produce amazing whitepapers. These 10 ideas for collecting information can quickly translate into high-quality whitepapers that engage B2B audiences.

  • Facebook's algorithm gives preference to visual content—photos, GIFs, and videos—allowing marketers to engage audiences effectively. To ensure your Facebook efforts pay off, use the right image sizes and dimensions.

  • Online shopping has transformed both retail and customer experience. But all's not well: Today's online shoppers face some big issues. Before you lose customers to industry Goliaths like Amazon, you'll need to mitigate those challenges.

  • You put a lot of effort and time into creating the perfect email content for your subscribers. But no matter what you write, or how well, people may not even see it if the subject line doesn't get them to click. These 10 types of subject lines will get subscribers to open your emails.

  • Search engine optimization experts say the relevance of page content is the factor Google's algorithm assigns the most weight to when ranking webpages, according to recent research from SparkToro.

  • A powerful marketing plan is essential for the success of any company or brand. Here is a seven-step guide to building a successful marketing plan. Check out this infographic.

  • If you're going to run a successful marketing campaign on Instagram, you need to understand it and its audience inside and out. Here are tips as well as tools to help you succeed on Instagram with video marketing.

  • A social media strategy is crucial for most businesses today. For many small businesses, Instagram seems an obvious choice because it's well-suited to brand-building and promotions. Before all else, though, you need to set up a killer profile—then follow these best-practices.

  • As consumers are inundated by marketing, they are resisting anything that looks or feels inauthentic. And they're posting about product and brand experiences on social media. The availability of that authentic content, including pics, means it's time to ditch stock photos.

  • B2B marketers say the biggest deficiency of their content program is that it doesn't produce personalized content pieces, according to recent research from Uberflip and Heinz Marketing.

  • When we think about search engine optimization, our mind naturally goes to text first. Optimizing images is usually an afterthought. But if we want our content to be found online, it makes as much sense to search-optimize images as it does to optimize text. This 19-step guide will help.

  • Infographics are incredibly effective marketing tools. Even the simplest infographic could drive a thousand potential leads to your website. Here's how to take advantage of infographics in your marketing efforts.

  • Marketers publish infographics because they attract readers and because readers tend to share infographics on social networks. Those are marketing wins—in the form of backlinks, brand awareness, and website visitors. See how you can use infographics in your own marketing.

  • You want a guaranteed method of going viral? Have an A-list celebrity with a massive following retweet you. Even then, it's got to be the right message and the right time. Such was the case with me. Twice. Here's my story, along with advice for going viral that doesn't rely on celebrities' taking notice.

  • Marketers are often the default creators of presentations for conferences and webinars—even board meetings and sales decks. These simple design tips can make your presentations more convincing and engaging.

  • Social media has been a key part of digital marketing—but usage is declining, especially among Gen Z and Millennials. Most marketers never believed they'd see the day. But that day seems to be here. So now what do we do?

  • Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media shares tips from his upcoming B2B Marketing Forum presentation on influencer marketing and SEO, and opens up about how he gives 100 talks a year, runs a business, and keeps his book Content Chemistry up to date.

  • Shoppers are nuts for Black Friday and Cyber Monday—but that's not all, because their excitement spills over. The key to success this holiday season is to take advantage of consumer holiday behaviors with campaign strategies that drive revenue.

  • Link-building is a highly effective stratagem for SEO. Marketers know that, which is why they engage in tactics like guest-posting. But there are other, lesser-known approaches that work. Done well, they can have an outsize impact on your SEO results.

  • To step up your digital marketing game, you have to combine your SEO techniques with email marketing to achieve genuine, organic reach for your content. It's how you make sure your content reaches your target audience.