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  • Professionals who use search engine optimization (SEO) and Google Ads say both approaches are effective; but, if forced to pick only one, most would choose Google Ads, according to recent research from

  • The true economic fallout of the current coronavirus crisis is far from certain, and many marketers have been asked to freeze all nonessential spending. If you're one of those marketers, your budget may now be sheltering in place alongside you. But you can, and must, keep marketing.

  • In today's digital marketing landscape, many marketers still downplay the importance of images. Yet decades' worth of scientific research consistently demonstrates that people are much better at remembering pictures than words. Visuals just might be the most important marketing tool we have.

  • Agencies say the most common mistakes they make when managing clients' digital advertising campaigns are payment failures, forgetting to turn spend off, and offending target audiences, according to recent research from Morphio.

  • How do you generate more leads in what is the digital marketing jungle of today? It helps to understand current trends that on-the-ground practitioners are seeing in digital marketing. Here are some do's and dont's based on their advice.

  • Many business websites have key problems such as broken internal links and duplicate title tags that hamper search engines from being able to crawl and index them effectively, according to recent research from SEMrush.

  • Of course content marketing and SEO have a symbiotic relationship, but many content marketers are making seemingly small mistakes that can add up—and end up sabotaging their SEO. Here are 8 ways you unfortunately might be doing exactly that.

  • Programmatic advertising uses technology to automate media buying: Advertisers bid in real-time for a specific audience, and the highest bidder wins the impressions that are up for auction—all in the blink of an eye. See more about the process, benefits, challenges, and the current state of programmatic.

  • How do you sign off your marketing emails in a way that fits your brand—but still shows you're aware of what's going on during a tough time for your customers? Here's a chart with 30+ options, listed from best to worst, with brand-voice options both cheeky and formal.

  • These past few weeks have gutted us all emotionally, personally, and professionally. It has also left many of us feeling uninspired, stilted, and kinda... blah. Join Ann Handley for the first ever Tiny House Talk, a new kind of webinar to engage your brain and make you feel normal(ish) for an hour.

  • B2B marketers who rely on in-person interactions to connect with clients and drive lead generation now need alternatives. One strategy to continue promoting our brands is digital advertising—including programmatic. And it doesn't have to be complicated.

  • In addition to being easier to understand and consume, video in general is more likely to be shared by users, making it an excellent marketing tool. They're also capable of being viewed or listened to by anyone, including those with disabilities—which is why you need to create accessible videos.

  • With new social and messaging platforms emerging every day, it's natural to wonder whether email is still relevant. But, even though we have a myriad ways to communicate with customers today, email is still unmatched. And these five tips will help you increase your returns from email even more.

  • You've probably received emails from every brand you've ever interacted with over the past 20 years, telling you about what they're doing for their community and customers in these "unprecedented" times. Here are 30 creative alternatives to "unprecedented" you might use in your communications.

  • Done well, content marketing can be a powerful weapon in the B2B marketer's arsenal, helping to generate leads, nurture them, and convert them into customers. Done badly, it's ineffective and a waste of time and other precious resources. Here are some ways to do it well.

  • What does good look like when you are an email marketer, and how do you go from good to great if your email marketing program has plateaued? For answers, let's look at six things high-performing email marketers do that are better and different.

  • Half of all searches on search engines no longer result in a click on an organic search result. And no wonder: there's barely any room on the first page of engine results. Sometimes, the "top" organic result actually ends up at the bottom of the page. Here's how marketers can adapt.

  • Marketers create content to capture buyers' attention and move them to buy. But without "compelling reason to buy" messaging, potential buyers are left guessing about what your product does and how it can help them. Here's how to craft compelling, convincing messages.

  • Some 87% of US consumers and 80% of UK consumers say they are consuming more content across media channels because of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to recent research from GlobalWebIndex.

  • Google Ads (the erstwhile AdWords) has become far more intuitive and easy to use than in years past. But despite a simplified interface, greater data transparency, and more features, it still has its share of nuances and complexities. These 5 tips will help you become a better PPC advertiser.