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  • You've probably received emails from every brand you've ever interacted with over the past 20 years, telling you about what they're doing for their community and customers in these "unprecedented" times. Here are 30 creative alternatives to "unprecedented" you might use in your communications.

  • Done well, content marketing can be a powerful weapon in the B2B marketer's arsenal, helping to generate leads, nurture them, and convert them into customers. Done badly, it's ineffective and a waste of time and other precious resources. Here are some ways to do it well.

  • What does good look like when you are an email marketer, and how do you go from good to great if your email marketing program has plateaued? For answers, let's look at six things high-performing email marketers do that are better and different.

  • Half of all searches on search engines no longer result in a click on an organic search result. And no wonder: there's barely any room on the first page of engine results. Sometimes, the "top" organic result actually ends up at the bottom of the page. Here's how marketers can adapt.

  • Marketers create content to capture buyers' attention and move them to buy. But without "compelling reason to buy" messaging, potential buyers are left guessing about what your product does and how it can help them. Here's how to craft compelling, convincing messages.

  • Some 87% of US consumers and 80% of UK consumers say they are consuming more content across media channels because of the COVID-19 outbreak, according to recent research from GlobalWebIndex.

  • Google Ads (the erstwhile AdWords) has become far more intuitive and easy to use than in years past. But despite a simplified interface, greater data transparency, and more features, it still has its share of nuances and complexities. These 5 tips will help you become a better PPC advertiser.

  • Search is often the first, and sometimes only, channel that customers can use to tell you what they want from you. It can also be an opportunity to build credibility, engagement, and loyalty. As you "listen" to customers' searches, you'll want to ask (and answer) these six questions.

  • You're not alone in thinking industry trends move at the speed of light. Which is why you need to be keenly aware of industry trends—while remaining agile to deal with the unexpected. So what's truly affecting the SEO industry today? Experts from Moz answer that question.

  • Wish you could leverage the power of video in your content marketing and demand gen efforts—but not sure where to start? We'll show you what you need to succeed. Sponsored by Vidyard.

  • Link-building is often an uncertain practice: You don't know for sure that you'll get any backlinks; if you do, you can't guarantee they'll be on the sites you want, with do-follow status, and the anchor text you prefer. Luckily, you can now stop worrying about that last item.

  • You've invested time and money to implement creative and cost-effective ways to bring relevant traffic to your site. You've even collected reviews from customers. So what's still missing? Thoughtful product descriptions that convert.

  • Best-selling author and Wharton professor Jonah Berger discusses his book, 'The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone's Mind.' He explains the five hidden factors that impede change (and how to overcome them).

  • Content marketing has become a critical element of B2B marketing strategy. And for good reason: It can help build brand, authority, and awareness. Not to mention leads. To help you put together your B2B content marketing plan of action, check out these benchmark statistics.

  • Content marketing helps you build an audience that enjoys your content, engages with it, and shares it with peers. The result: a strong content-led company that attracts new and repeat customers. How can you build an ardent customer base with content marketing?

  • Do top-performing blog posts tend to have certain characteristics in common, such as copy length, headline length, headline type, and content structure? To find out, SEMrush analyzed 700,000 posts on different blogs.

  • Because the online content landscape is so crowded, audiences value originality that engages them. One way savvy content marketers are responding is to create compelling interactive content. Here are 4 types of interactive content you can build.

  • Mathew Sweezey of Salesforce offers tips and insights from his forthcoming book, 'Context Marketing Revolution: How to Motivate Buyers in the Age of Infinite Media.'

  • Companies invest billions in data, analytics, and technology to better target and predict customer behavior. We are collecting more data than we know what to do with, so we think we no longer need qualitative research. Big mistake: We need to go beyond data to truly understand the customer.

  • When building or updating a contact page, or including a contact form in any of your digital marketing projects, go through this checklist. You'll make your customer's life easier—and increase the chance that they'll actually give you the information you need.