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  • To make the right first impression, your brand needs an elevator pitch—a practiced script that introduces yourself and your business in a positive way that is both relevant and memorable. Here are tips on how to craft one.

  • If you're a marketer looking to supercharge your strategies with AI, buckle up, because this episode is a goldmine of insights.

  • If you're looking for a fresh perspective on B2B marketing and storytelling, then this episode of the Marketing Smarts Live Show featuring Jay Acunzo is a must-watch.

  • Marketers are often told to avoid "sales-y" content—to offer something helpful and customer-focused instead. But that doesn't mean avoiding talking about your service entirely. And if you do it right, your content will answer all your prospects' questions, so that when they come to you they're ready to buy.

  • We've all heard it: B2B buyers are leaning toward self-service. Enter: the lead funnel, which allows you to sell your offer before your sales team even gets on the phone. Sound good? Check out the details.

  • How should B2B communicators dip their toes into the AI waters before fully embracing it? There are three major things to consider: what AI excels at, what skills it lacks, and what legal and copyright issues are at stake.

  • Modern customers are incredibly skeptical. They're not likely to take anything you say at face value. And why should they if you don't include evidence to back it up? So... what creates evidence?

  • B2B marketing content needs to make an impact. It needs to be so thought-provoking and well-written that buyers devour it from start to finish. Here are some tips for where to start.

  • As generative AI becomes more sophisticated, it will find many uses in the email space, such as sending automated support and customer service email responses. But it's unlikely to be used to create permission-based promotional marketing emails. Here's why.

  • Jay Schwedelson drops a lot of truth bombs in this episode of the Marketing Smarts Live Show, and the most impressive one might just be that so-called "experts" aren't always the best source of information on email marketing.

  • From harnessing original ideas that excite customers to sharing quirky content on social media, creativity can spice things up and add color to your marketing campaigns. Here's how to get there in five steps.

  • Let's face it: In the world of B2B marketing, we often neglect to bring that essential human element into our content. So, why is the human element so crucial, and how can we infuse it into our professional roles as marketing content creators?

  • In this episode, business adviser and author Bob Wiesner shares why case studies are important, what we marketers have historically done wrong with our case studies, how to do them right—and so much more.

  • As the world continues to evolve, it's crucial for businesses to keep up. In episode 559 of the Marketing Smarts podcast, George B. Thomas and Allen Adamson discuss the importance of adapting to changing times.

  • Small business owners who are using AI and automation for marketing say the technologies are helping them in many ways, including to improve efficiency and boost growth, according to recent research from Constant Contact and Ascend2.

  • The benefits of repurposing content are well-known. But you can't just pick a random blog post off your website and convert it into a random content format. Keep your repurposing strategic with these nine tips.

  • Everywhere you look, another tech company is debuting its version of generative AI. So which tools are actually a good investment for content marketers? This article takes a look at three tools that offer unique strengths in content creation.

  • This infographic from Brafton covers what you should leave in your blog post intros and what you should leave out.

  • Most software-as-a-service (SaaS) marketers say text is the format they use most for their case studies, but that they want to create more video case studies in 2023, according to recent research from Uplift Content.

  • Does your thought leadership contribute to marketing, or is it just amorphous posturing that makes you sound smart? (Spoiler: that wouldn't really be thought leadership, anyway.) Here's how to infuse actual demand gen into your leadership content.