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  • In just 10 minutes, you'll learn three necessary steps to get your word-of-mouth marketing campaign off the ground before you put it into action. You'll leave understanding the differences between fans and influencers, and the benefits of each, so you can identify which one will help you best achieve your campaign objectives.

  • No matter your audience, their fear of missing out (FOMO) can work marketing magic for you, especially in the age of social media. But beware: If you don't make use of FOMO responsibly, it'll backfire.

  • If you're considering investing in marketing video in 2017, you'll want to read these useful tips for creating an explainer video that can help you drive more sales.

  • Live video is a powerful, authentic, engaging, measurable, and cost-effective marketing option that more and more brands are turning to, for good reason. Here are some helpful tips to get you started.

  • Last year, I wrote about five SEO trends you needed to know in 2016. Much has stayed the same since I made those predictions, but much has changed, too. Here are five of the hottest SEO trends you can expect to see in 2017.

  • Along their buying journey, customers are often in uncharted territory, stressed and disoriented. Your job is to keep them on track to reach their (and your) desired goal. Various types of online community can help.

  • Never sit through another irrelevant keynote again... Learn how to spot the next big-name speakers—and gain truly useful information—instead of paying too much for the same-old faces.

  • Don't spam your contact database with generic holiday email greetings; they will be ignored, your time will have been wasted, and your brand will lose credibility. Instead, make your efforts count. Here's how.

  • Here's how to apply loyalty best-practices to your social media marketing to increase customer retention and long-term loyalty.

  • You've found yourself in the midst of the most crowded market imaginable—online content. The best shot you have at attracting and maintaining audiences is relevancy. And the foundation of relevancy is personalization. Embrace it.

  • Marketing has readily accepted the power of referral programs. Their reach, trust factor, and ability to target the right people combine to quickly and effectively boost customer acquisition. But some common mistakes undermine success.

  • Finding your way to content marketing success is not always easy. Here are four lessons and a few secrets to help you on your journey.

  • Traffic, acquisition, and sales have been critical priorities for marketers. Yet customer retention also plays a key role, though it is often neglected. Consider these marketing and retention trends and ideas as you finalize plans for the coming year.

  • Here's real advice for optimizing your website in a way that is both strategic and natural. Learn how to avoid Google penalties for over-optimized content, and get best-practices and character limit guidelines for optimization.

  • Google Search Console (previously Google Webmaster Tools) allows you to check your website's indexing status and to optimize its visibility for searchers. Here are issues you're like to face and how to deal with them.

  • Various ranking factors contribute to ranking your website and content high in search results, but the one that is seemingly ignored among them is consistently identified as the one with the biggest impact: links.

  • What really motivates buyers to act? When using content, many B2B companies struggle to engage buyers. Here are eight engagement tactics that work, according to research, but marketers use them too infrequently.

  • Most US consumers say they typically travel 20 minutes or less to make everyday purchases, according to recent research from Access Development.

  • The success of an e-commerce store can be determined by whether it generates enough quality traffic that ultimately turns into sales. SEO can effectively drive traffic for all websites; e-commerce, however, presents unique challenges.

  • Content that not only works but also makes users want to share it? It's possible when you understand the basics of contextual marketing.