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  • How much do you know about mobile marketing? This infographic is sure to offer you some new insights with its 104 facts, stats, and other trivia about the channel.

  • Why is email such a successful marketing channel? It's widespread, measurable, and easy to customize. Find out more about this ubiquitous channel with these stats, fun facts, and case studies.

  • Total advertising revenue for the largest podcasting organizations jumped 72% between 2015 and 2016, according to recent research from the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC.

  • Oh, no, you didn't! Make sure your brand isn't participating in these six social media no-nos.

  • You lost your prospect to a competitor you've been enviously watching win again and again. What's happening? And how can you stop it from happening yet again?

  • Some 51 million US households now engage in over-the-top (OTT) streaming of video content—i.e., via the Internet to a television set—according to recent research from comScore.

  • Content is still one of the best ways to engage your customers—but you must rethink it... It's not about beautiful stories about your brand; it's about high-value, behavior-changing content about, and for, your customers and their aspirations.

  • The most effective method for a current customer to refer a potential customer to a business is a verbal recommendation, according to recent research from Amplifinity.

  • Traditional radio continues to reach more US adults each week than any other media channel or any type of digital device, according to recent research from Nielsen.

  • You want your customers and potential customers to think of your content less as annoying advertisement and more as valuable, useful, or enjoyable marketing. Consider these seven types of content proven to help you increase leads and optimize conversion rates.

  • Most Americans are dealing with work emails after office hours, including checking their inboxes on weekends and while on vacation, according to recent research from Reachmail.

  • Is your blog working as hard as it should? Check out these five tips for generating more engagement and leads from your blog.

  • Sometimes, your content crashes and burns. That might mean no one reads your article, it doesn't get shared, or you get bombarded with nasty comments. But, all that's OK. In fact, it might be for the better.

  • Google AdWords can be an extremely cost-effective way to advertise and reach customers all over the world. This infographic explains how AdWords works—and how it can improve your ROI.

  • Most marketers find social media influencers for campaigns by reaching out to them directly rather than by using influencer platforms or talent agencies, according to recent research from Bloglovin'.

  • Videos are one of the most effective types of marketing content around. But using the right type of video for each marketing goal is key.

  • Owned, earned, and paid social media are often thought of as separate tactics of a brand's social strategy. But ensuring all three work together can give you the biggest and best results. See how to make that happen.

  • Most marketers want conferences to be affordable, to mix education and networking, and to be three or fewer days long, according to recent research from Digital Third Coast.

  • Black Friday might seem like it's a long time away, but some of the most worthwhile holiday marketing activities require months of planning. If you want to build out a micro-influencer program for the holiday season, this 5-month plan will get you started.

  • Consumers say they are most influenced to make purchases from marketing emails by sales/discounts and brand reputation, according to recent research from Yes Lifecycle Marketing.