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  • Marketers say research reports and videos/motion graphics are the content types that generate the leads most likely to convert, according to recent research from Ascend2.

  • These 15 email marketing tips and best-practices (with real life examples) for e-commerce are entirely actionable, and you can easily implement them to increase your conversion rate.

  • How much of an impact do reviews and ratings have on online sales? Does the number of reviews and ratings matter? Are reviews and ratings more important for higher-priced products/services?

  • Nearly three quarters (72%) of Instagram users say they have made a fashion- or beauty-related purchase after seeing the product on the social network, according to recent research from Dana Rebecca Designs.

  • Social marketing is different because your audience talks back—immediately, directly, and sometimes not in your favor. If you're developing a social advertising strategy the way you would for PPC ads or email, you're missing a huge opportunity to capture market share.

  • Exposing consumers to digital ad campaigns multiple times increases brand awareness and purchase intent, but the benefits diminish after a certain point, according to recent research from Nielsen.

  • Today's infographic explores three perils of programmatic ad buying and explains how to make sure your brand is safe, your ads are viewable, and your reputation is safe from fraudsters.

  • Make this the last report you read about the best time to post on social media. Why? Because it consolidates findings from various other reports and puts all the data into one easy-to-read infographic.

  • The Millennial market: such a tempting conquest, yet so frustrating to conquer. Connecting with this elusive and lucrative demographic is not easy. Here are four major insights to help you market to—and win over—this tough crowd.

  • Many Americans say technology has made them more impatient today than they were five years ago, according to recent research from Fetch and YouGov.

  • Podcasting represents an amazing opportunity to be heard by and connect with your audience. It gives you the power to educate, entertain, inform, inspire, get laughs, incite tears, and touch listeners on an emotional level. Is your mic powered up?

  • Drawing inspiration from some of the brightest B2B content marketers, here are five ways to help solve the problem of planning your content marketing and elevating the content experience of your customers to meet their evolving expectations.

  • Are social marketing strategies in the B2B and B2C worlds converging? In some ways, yes, according to today's infographic.

  • Holiday-themed email campaigns from brands tend to have lower open rates and higher conversion rates than non-themed campaigns, according to recent research from Yes Lifecycle Marketing.

  • In today's consumer environment, we marketers must take risks, otherwise we risk getting lost in the clutter and sinking into irrelevance. Success lies in understanding the difference between taking risks... and being risky.

  • The options for Snapchat ad targeting are extensive. This infographic sorts them into an easy-to-read list to help you make your ads effective.

  • Prospective buyers of B2B products find content to be most useful when it speaks to needs/pain points and provides specifications, according to research from Content Marketing Institute and SmartBrief.

  • The point of sale (POS) has evolved from the cash register to the online cart and now to voice-activated devices—and soon to virtually anywhere, anytime, in myriad automated ways. The one constant for marketers: user experience.

  • How much more are major, established brands searched for on Google compared with smaller, challenger brands? An analysis by SLANT examined Google search trend data for 20 categories in the United States.

  • A customer's first impression of your brand depends significantly on the colors associated with it. Learn how different colors elicit different emotions and how you can use the psychology of color to your advantage.