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  • Whether you're working with a video production agency or producing video in-house, it helps to understand the relationship between video content and the human brain—specifically, how we emotionally connect with visual imagery.

  • B2B marketers say email, organic search, whitepapers, webinars, and LinkedIn are the most effective digital channels/tactics for generating leads, according to recent research from DemandWave.

  • The annual marketing plan you created last quarter already feels out of date. How on earth are you supposed to plan for an entire year when marketing technology and platforms are changing at the speed of light?

  • Emails sent by marketers on Mondays have more errors in their subject lines, on average, compared with emails sent on other days of the week, according to research from Boomerang.

  • Consumers can afford to be selective: Global competition is the norm today, and your retail competitors offer comparable prices and user experiences. To stay competitive in this environment, retailers and brands must make four key trends a priority in 2017.

  • How well do you know your social media audiences? See who spends time on seven of the most popular social networks.

  • Mobile devices now account for 70% of all time spent on YouTube by adults in the US, according to recent research from comScore.

  • Any detail of your branding efforts can have a negative or positive effect on your customers' decision-making. These visual hacks will help you get attention and enhance your branding efforts.

  • The highly coveted Millennial consumer demographic's media habits differ from other generations'. Here's a look at Millennials' TV-watching, music-listening, subscription-buying, and other media habits.

  • Online micro-influencers say Instagram is the best social network for reaching audiences and promoting branded content, according to recent research from Bloglovin'.

  • The mobile and digital revolutions have changed the way national and global brands can reach consumers where they are, and when and how they want to be reached. Here's how to do local right.

  • Some 71% of Inc. 500 companies now have a written social media plan, according to recent research conducted by the Center for Marketing Research, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.

  • Part 1 examined stimuli that get the attention of the decision-making portion of the brain. Part 2 explains how specific tactics appeal to the brain and improve the effectiveness of your marketing.

  • If an email is sent but not opened, does it make a sale? Probably not. Check out these tips on how to improve email open rates.

  • Most consumers find a brand's Snapchat account by being directed to the username, or by searching for the username, according to recent data from Snaplytics.

  • Does your Instagram profile resonate with your audience as much as your posts do? Check out this infographic for tips on how to make your brand's entire Instagram experience as picture-perfect as it can be.

  • Consumers have steadily moved away from using Gmail's Tabs feature over the past few years, according to recent research from Return Path.

  • Half of Instagrammers follow at least one business, according to this infographic that highlights 139 facts and stats about the image-sharing platform. See how Instagram is used and how your company can get in on the action.

  • Here are five ways to get smart about planning, implementing, and measuring video to ensure your video marketing campaign engages your audiences and achieves your objectives.

  • Tradeshows can feel overwhelming unless you have a few tips and tricks up your sleeve. Luckily, you know exactly what you need to do to make a fantastic impression—thanks to an article you read about nailing your first tradeshow...