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  • Consumers in the United States now use mobile devices more than desktop computers to search online for information related to family vacations, luxury travel, and couples travel/honeymoons, according to recent research from Google.

  • Marketers rank email and social media as the top two digital channels for delivering an excellent return on investment (ROI), according to recent research from GetResponse.

  • A friend shared an image on Facebook. Intended to be a funny political meme, it instead offended many who saw it... Should she have shared that post? Could she have lost her job? Might the issue have been avoided? Are people just overly sensitive? Let's explore those questions.

  • Combining creativity with B2B marketing is an ongoing challenge. How do you build an emotional connection with your customers and inspire deep-seated brand loyalty when you lack the direct tactics of B2C campaigns?

  • Facebook is intentionally giving more organic exposure to live videos, which is why Facebook Live dominates the News Feeds of most users these days. What does that mean for businesses and B2B marketers? Here are a few ways to use Facebook Live to benefit your business.

  • Most consumers say they do not take the time to fill out customer feedback surveys thoughtfully, according to recent research from Customer Thermometer.

  • Most consumers want brands to be honest and friendly on social media, not snarky and trendy, according to recent research from Sprout Social.

  • Everyone is publishing content today, at a blinding rate, and your undifferentiated content is getting lost in a sea of equally indistinguishable content. Bad news: Your content has become a commodity. Here's what you can do about it.

  • Joe Martin and Mark Booth of Adobe talk about how Adobe effectively uses influencer marketing to dramatically increase the company's reach during (and long after) its annual flagship event, Adobe Summit in Las Vegas.

  • An email list is a key part of any marketing strategy, so check out this infographic with seven tips for building your list.

  • People's product preferences are undoubtedly influenced by media, and your audiences have no qualms about using media to share stories about their brand experiences. So here's how you can harness UGC to influence your target audience.

  • Welcome emails and abandoned-cart emails are the most effective triggered/automated message types for driving e-commerce sales, according to recent research from Klaviyo.

  • What's so hard about engaging people who were already convinced enough about you to have made an initial purchase? These are five big mistakes companies make in their relationships with customers.

  • Does your Google AdWords strategy seem to be stagnating? Check out this infographic for 11 key steps to make sure you're using AdWords to its fullest potential.

  • Local business websites shouldn't always follow the same practices as those of bigger, international retailers. Check out this diagram for a visual guide to the do's and don'ts of your local website.

  • The older a consumer is, the more likely he or she is to dislike online advertisements, according to recent research from Choozle.

  • All roads lead to your website. You need to ensure it not only communicates your brand effectively and distinctively, but also serves as your round-the-clock sales force. A website that works maximizes customer acquisition and retention while saving time, money, and human resources.

  • Scott Dubois, co-founder of digital agency Pidalia, discusses generational marketing, the power of personalization, qualities to look for in an agency, and more.

  • Moms in the United States now spend more time each day on the Internet than listening to the radio or watching television, according to a recent report from Edison Research and Triton Digital.

  • Instagram is both the most used social network by influencers and the top social network influencers focus on, according to recent research from Hashoff.