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  • Even the greatest content needs an early boost to gain traction in social media. Paid promotion and influencer marketing can help, but they can be costly. Fortunately, virtually every organization has a captive audience that's willing—even happy—to share content with their networks for free.

  • Some 82% of B2B buying committees now include at least one Millennial employee, according to recent research from SnapApp and Heinz Marketing.

  • User-generated content is here to stay. And as the marketing landscape begins to shift to a more user- and UGC-centric direction, what steps can you take to capitalize on this authentic marketing tactic?

  • With 2 billion monthly active users on Facebook, the question is no longer whether you should advertise on the platform—but how. Here are four types of Facebook retargeting that can help you increase e-commerce revenue.

  • So much more goes into an email campaign than simply hitting the "send" button. Here are the numerous aspects of your entire email strategy to consider—from personalization and lead generation to cleaning up an old list.

  • Most marketers say their company has style guidelines in place for content, but less than half say their firm has developed more complex content structures such as a customer journey map, according to research from Content Marketing Institute.

  • Fitness/health and productivity mobile apps are the most deleted types of programs from consumers' smartphones, according to recent research from alligatortek.

  • With so many targeting options for Facebook and Instagram ads, figuring out the combination that will give you the best results can be a challenge. Today's infographic clearly illustrates all the targeting choices to help you find your ideal audience.

  • The average clickthrough rate on Facebook ads increased significantly between the second quarter of 2016 and the second quarter of 2017, according to recent research from Nanigans.

  • Twitter offers a lot of options for targeting your ads. This infographic breaks them down into an easy-to-follow guide to ensure your ad dollars are being spent on the right audience.

  • The Instagram Story feature has been around for over a year now. How have brands latched on, and how are they using it to drive engagement? Today's infographic looks at how eight industries use the medium.

  • Most B2B marketers take at least four days to follow up with leads after in-person events, according to recent research from Certain.

  • Some 20% of email messages sent by marketers never make it to their intended recipients' inboxes, according to recent research from Return Path.

  • You did it. You built a solid hub of corporate content. But now what? You've got a well-planned content machine, but is it sustainable? Here's what happens when a good blog goes bad, and gets killed before it has a fighting chance to thrive.

  • Which keywords and products have been hot with online shoppers in 2017? To find out, SimilarWeb examined data for branded and non-branded search terms that have led the 100 highest-traffic retail sites in the United States this year.

  • As influencer marketing grows, audience size is taking a back seat and engagement is becoming the No. 1 indicator of success—i.e., relevancy and leads. And that's where social media micro-influencers come in.

  • Social media influencer marketing is still a relatively new practice, which means making mistakes is unavoidable. Here's how you can avoid three of the most common influencer marketing mistakes.

  • Consumers say they are most likely to trust online influencers who come across as credible and who appear to have actually used the products/services incorporated into their posts, according to research from IZEA.

  • Barry Kirk, vice-president of marketing for Maritz Motivation Solutions, shares tips on developing effective loyalty programs and discusses strategies for building "cult loyalty" for your brand.

  • Print is dead, right? Not so, says an infographic that explains how people respond to print versus digital media. Turns out... print can give your marketing an edge.