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  • How will technology transform your next event? Whether you use apps or drones, events are changing, and technologies are helping planners become more efficient and attendees become more engaged.

  • Black Friday is no longer contained within US borders. Now—thanks to Amazon and other international retailers—big shopping boosts occur in countries all over the world on that day. Learn more Black Friday stats and facts in this infographic.

  • Getting holiday-season email delivered and opened without irking your recipients is a challenge. Luckily, we've compiled a few tested tips and tricks that will help you refine your emails to bring your organization more cheer this season.

  • Facebook is the most popular social network with consumers for posting updates about holidays and life milestones, according to recent research from Sprout Social.

  • Marketers and retailers have a huge opportunity on social media during the holidays. Being prepared for the holiday rush is a huge advantage, but some brands can easily fall behind this hectic time of year. Stay ahead of the competition with these seven key steps.

  • Direct marketing not only has a place in modern marketing campaigns still but also pairs well with other marketing channels, according to today's infographic. Direct marketing can help you create a multichannel experience for your buyers.

  • Want your marketing emails to break through all the noise on Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Then consider sending them a day early or a day late.

  • Customer experience (CX) leaders generate more revenue than companies that fail to prioritize CX. Brands become CX leaders by personalizing engagement in relevant and valuable ways. Here are four guideposts for getting CX right.

  • Instagram remains popular, yet the social platform is still something of a mystery for many marketers. To learn how to set up and use your brand's Instagram account to gain followers and engagement, check out the tips in today's infographic.

  • Infographics that garner an above average number of shares on social media tend to come from high-quality domains, tend to be around 600 pixels wide, and tend to have succinct titles, according to recent research from Growista.

  • Inbound marketing isn’t a tactic, but a process. It’s how you approach customer relationships. It requires an understanding of your company’s buying cycle, ideal customers, and the power of quality content, plus an acknowledgement that, as a marketer, you’re not in control—the customer is.

  • If used properly, user-generated content can be a huge asset for content marketers. UGC can save you time and money, and boost your credibility. Here are six UGC benefits—and ways you can profit from them.

  • Fully 40% of holiday shoppers begin searching and purchasing before November 1, which means search engine marketers need a game plan now to make some jolly-good sales this season.

  • The home stretch of the holiday season is a unique opportunity to retool digital strategies that carry you into January and beyond. Here's how retailers and marketers can connect with consumers even after the wrapping paper is tossed out and leftovers are gone.

  • Across the globe, two retail giants rule online shopping. But their markets are different, and their strategies for growth vary as well. Check out today's infographic for the scoop on the kings of e-commerce.

  • Most social media influencers expect Instagram to be the network they focus on most next year, according to recent research from Hashoff.

  • How can your business react to consumer behaviors—and try to beat the retail giant that is Amazon? Here are a few new, innovative ways to keep driving revenue this holiday retail season through next-generation remarketing.

  • Do advertisers promote gender stereotypes—and should they? Choozle surveyed 500 consumers to see what they think about gender stereotyping in ads. One finding: over one-third of respondents like it when ads break gender stereotypes.

  • Which channel would win in a head-to-head contest? Today's infographic pits email against SMS messages to see which has more volume and engagement, and which people prefer to receive.

  • Content marketers tend to focus on external communication channels, such as social media, video channels, and blogs, but it would be a mistake to neglect other important touchpoints. These three effective tactics can extending your content marketing reach.