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  • As marketers, in matters SEO we are often at the mercy of the almighty Google. But 2020 proved that it pays to be prepared, and businesses stand to better manage future crises by staying up to date on these four SEO developments.

  • The creation of targeted information—about companies, products, services, and more—has been around for generations. Collateral, sales aids, product literature, brand books... all were earlier monikers for what's now lumped into "content." It's a long-established discipline. And here's how it actually works.

  • What was once a marketing database has evolved, as marketers have adopted customer data platforms (CDPs) and new ecosystems of activation platforms. But CDPs tend to suffer from a functional gap, limited as they are to first-party data. Here's how that gap can be bridged.

  • Most business-to-consumer (B2C) content marketers say their organization made quick and effective changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and they expect those changes to stay in effect for the foreseeable future.

  • We're all scrambling for new ways to connect with customers during COVID, but the easiest method could be right on our desktops: LinkedIn. The platform is more popular than ever, and many companies are overlooking features that could factor into 2021 marketing plans.

  • Now that most companies are completely focused on their bottom line, extensive brand marketing can be difficult to justify. Using a contextual or native brand strategy is one way to create branded content while simultaneously measuring performance and return.

  • B2B decision-makers under age 40, often tech natives, tend to blur work-life boundaries, seek continual self-evolution, and expect brands to address social issues, according to recent research.

  • There is no one-size-fits-all solution for ABM: The right strategy and technology depend on the size and nature of your organization. But a bigger enterprise means a more complex system, and that can lead to serious mistakes. Learn how to avoid them.

  • 2020 is finally behind us. So where do B2B marketers go from here? The challenges from an upended year will continue to factor into strategies for 2021 and beyond—in these four areas in particular.

  • In 2021, the things companies say are extra important, and there are more places to say them than ever. Marketers are facing a massive demand for content. Avoid being overwhelmed: Focus on these three survival tactics.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has led many B2B marketers to shift their account-based marketing (ABM) objectives and tactics, according to recent research from ITSMA and the ABM Leadership Alliance.

  • We've all received advance notice of Google's impending page experience update, set to debut this year. But what does "page experience" really mean, and how will it affect B2B sites in particular? You can get the rundown here.

  • Most B2B marketers say the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decrease in Marketing-created pipeline of leads, and most also say the pandemic has led to a decrease in their marketing budget.

  • How can B2B marketers strategically engage their customers this year? Here are five key customer engagement strategies that can set B2B marketers up for a return to growth in 2021.

  • Losing the occasional customer is an inevitable reality—but it doesn't have to be the end. The right targeted content techniques can both win back people who stopped using your service and ensure they never stray again. Just follow these five steps.

  • Search volume for a range of marketing tactics increased between January 2019 and October 2020, according to recent research from Fractl and SEMRush.

  • Engineers place the most value on information-heavy content, such as datasheets, case studies, and whitepapers, when making purchasing decisions about products and services, according to research from TREW Marketing and GlobalSpec.

  • Many buyers are hesitant to try new B2B tech vendors and products, but they can be persuaded to do so with better pricing, deep experience, innovative solutions, and professional peer reviews, according to research from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

  • The full effects of 2020 on marketing budgets in 2021 have yet to be felt, but it's safe to say marketers will have to focus more than ever on ROI. To ensure your marketing strategy gets peak returns this year, emphasize these three important areas.

  • A recent infographic from DirJournal explores why link signals still matter for search rankings, what makes a link "good" according to Google's guidelines, and how businesses can build better link profiles.