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  • Great website UX doesn't mean your site merely looks nice; it means the site is designed to solve users' problems in the most straightforward way possible. Here are five reasons to budget for UX design.

  • Graphic design will be more striking and more inclusive in 2022 according to Venngage, which recently published its predictions for the year ahead.

  • How do you go from marketing to creating a better audience experience? Oli Gardner shares his journey from frustration with bad marketing and ugly landing pages to full-time event speaking and thought leadership.

  • The most common approach that senior marketers take for setting their marketing budget is to create a yearly budget based on the previous year's expenses, according to recent research from The CMO Survey.

  • Upcoming B2B Forum speaker Mitch Joel talks about "The Great Compression" of business technology, the future of remote work, branding vs. direct response, and the benefits of the long haul.

  • Designers should be considering the impact of both white space and Dark Mode when developing experiences for the Web in 2022. That's among the 10 key design predictions explored in this infographic from Red Website Design.

  • Robust data paired with predictive analytics is essential for modern sales and marketing leaders. It makes it possible to do things we could never do otherwise—even with rooms full of intel-gatherers and decoders trying to interpret data. Here are just a few examples.

  • Whitepapers can be a headache to create, even if you have the resources. To make the actual writing process less of a hassle, it helps to have a plan first.

  • How can you get relevant content in front of your audiences more quickly? This infographic from Uberflip provides 12 boosts you can make to speed up your campaign delivery.

  • Feeling stuck in a certain stage of your business maturity? Siloed data and a disconnect between departments might be the culprit, and appointing a RevOps leader could solve the problem.

  • Competition for high Google rankings is fierce. How do you one-up your competitors and outrank them? These five tactics will help.

  • Personalization and ABM are now the name of the game in B2B marketing,. But the secret to their success lies in collecting—and using—voice-of-the-customer data. Find out more.

  • Do LinkedIn posts with links or those without links garner more engagement? To find out, Social Insider and Lightspan Digital analyzed engagement (likes, comments, and shares) on 86,504 LinkedIn posts from 883 brand pages.

  • Video content has become invaluable in digital marketing. But how do you optimize a video for search so people can easily find them? This article offers practical, effective tips.

  • As the post-pandemic marketplace takes shape, marketers need to focus on what creates a memorable experience—and that doesn't always mean digital-only. Hybrid events allow for increased engagement and innovations. We can reimagine the B2B customer experience.

  • Email marketers place a lot of emphasis on open rate, but that's a metric that may not matter much, come iOS 15. Here's how marketers can prepare for the impending change.

  • Marketing goals can become blurry for even the most seasoned pros. Switching to an outcome-based approach helps align those goals with business outcomes. Here's how it works.

  • Every business suffers from a certain degree of customer churn, but if you use the right tactics to retain customers, you can reduce churn. Start by creating an effective customer retention plan.

  • Using hashtags can be an effective way to boost the reach of your LinkedIn posts. This infographic explores five hashtags popular with marketers on LinkedIn, including the follower count for each.

  • Marketing automation has gained a lot of traction in recent years as digital engagement has increased. But once you have your shiny new platform, where do you start? This article offers some tips.