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  • Your buyers incorporate mobile into their everyday work, so it makes sense that your marketing and sales communications should, too. SMS can transform your efficiency—and it's even more effective when combined with automation.

  • It's now a digital-first world, and that means the customers are expecting more out of their experience than ever. Thanks to technology, companies can offer positive customer experiences across digital channels. Build your CX on these three pillars.

  • The demise of third-party cookies has now been delayed for two years. But that doesn't mean marketers need to remain unprepared for similar tectonic changes, including iOS14. Let's look at what has already changed, and how you can tackle upcoming events.

  • Emails sent during the middle of the workweek tend to drive the most webinar registrations, according to recent research from ON24.

  • Effectively generating leads often requires following a lengthy path that includes everything from developing a strategic plan to measuring performance. This infographic from Orbit Media Studios covers each essential element of that journey.

  • Until in-person events return in full force, hybrid is the name of the game. If you're attending or planning a hybrid event this year, maximize engagement and ROI by using these five strategies.

  • More isn't always better with your email marketing strategy. The pandemic caused many marketers to follow a mass messaging approach in 2020, but prospects aren't likely to respond to that tactic in 2021. Here are four tactics to use now.

  • Clubhouse, an audio-only social media app, has been getting lots of buzz recently. But what exactly is it, and how does it work?

  • Are we doing ABM wrong? We align our account-based marketing efforts with target accounts that fit certain firmographics, but maybe we should first be finding out what they actually want. Learn more in this article.

  • Most B2B marketers say they do not spend enough time on content amplification, according to recent research from Converge.

  • Image posts tend to garner the most engagement for small and large business accounts on LinkedIn, whereas video posts tend to garner the most engagement for midsize accounts, according to recent research from Social Insider.

  • We can't control Google's latest search algorithm, but we can harness the power of internal linking to strengthen our website's SEO. Here are five tactics to use.

  • Account-based marketing was once a manual and time-consuming game of connect-the-dots. Now, with data and automation, marketers can move beyond the basics of ABM to a new approach. Here's what you need to know.

  • What are the keys to creating a successful email campaign? According to a recent infographic from Uplers, it begins with developing a strong email design that hand holds the reader.

  • Google has done ad tech a service by retiring third-party cookies. Let's bid adieu to the outdated cookie (good riddance!) and embrace better digital marketing.

  • You may be qualified and experienced. But what sets you apart from the competition in today's competitive job market? A powerful personal brand.

  • Median and average conversion rates for landing pages vary significantly by industry and by type of page, according to recent research from Unbounce.

  • Most marketers plan to increase their ad spend in 2021 on digital channels, such as social media, search, and video, and either maintain or reduce their spend on traditional channels, such as television, according to Nielsen research.

  • Traditional video on Instagram tends to outperform IGTV (Instagram's long-form, immersive format), according to a recent analysis conducted by Social Insider.

  • Did you know that there are more than 416 million monthly Pinterest users? Or that visitors spend five minutes, on average, on Pinterest? Those are some of the insights about the social network covered in this infographic.