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  • There are many approaches to using email-campaign metrics to measure and improve marketing performance. The following are the top five approaches, along with appropriate measures and usable insights for each.

  • The holiday season is the most important time of year for retailers, when aggressive goals are set for increased traffic and sales, both in-store and online. Email marketing is a powerful tool that retailers can use to build their brands and increase sales during that crucial period.

  • Legitimate marketing messages account for an alarming 70% of "this is spam" complaints in consumers' inboxes, underscoring just how important it is for marketers to keep email lists up to date and make use of email marketing best-practices, according to a report by Return Path.

  • Over the years, many have augured the death of email, most recently foretelling that social media would make email obsolete. Nevertheless, for marketers, email remains an invaluable, even indispensable, tool. And this infographic from Eloqua spells out why.

  • Email is still an invaluable asset to marketers, but only 30% of B2B marketers are using email marketing as their primary lead generation tactic; instead, email appears to be more effective for nurturing prospects than lead generation, according to a study by Pardot.

  • It's an old adage: Driving increased sales from your current customers is easier than acquiring new customers. But when marketing via email, a lot of businesses seem to be missing an opportunity that's right in front of them.

  • Though email campaign process metrics such as delivery, open, and click-through rates have their place, if you don't look beyond them... the true impact of your email marketing—and opportunities for continuous improvement—will go undetected.

  • Remarketing emails aren't a new thing, and marketers have been doing it for years. But many companies still don't have a proper welcome series set up to welcome new subscribers and turn them into new customers.

  • Personalized promotional emails sent during 2013 had 29% higher unique open rates and 41% higher unique click rates than non-personalized mailings, according to a recent report from Experian Marketing Services.

  • On this Presidents' Day, as you consider your next email campaign, think about tried-and-true presidential wisdom and its potential impact on your marketing efforts.

  • Many email marketing ideas we hold true are actually false. Here's a quick look at seven prevalent myths about email marketing.

  • To help boost your email marketing conversions, check out these suggestions from a Monetate infographic.

  • Time to prepare for the holiday season (which isn't as far off as you think)! The Email Marketing Holiday Calendar infographic by ExactTarget offers planning tips for July through December.

  • Email might not be as shiny as social media and other emerging marketing channels, but it's still arguably the most powerful marketing tool around. So how do you maximize this old workhorse for new gains? In part by avoiding these common mistakes.

  • You've probably heard the saying, "It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission." All too often I hear from marketers and business owners who find themselves considering such an unfortunate choice. Here's what to do instead.

  • Since 2008, marketers have adopted a more simplified email sign-up process for new subscribers and now ask for significantly less personal information, according to a recent study by Return Path.

  • Inspired by the movie "Pitch Perfect 2," these five tips can help you create email marketing campaigns that hit the right note with your customers.

  • Creating and running an email marketing program can be as difficult as... finding an enjoyable first date. The similarities don't end there. Here are four simple dating rules you can apply to email marketing.

  • How well do you understand email marketing? Here's a look at common misconceptions regarding email.

  • Using video in email should be a no-brainer, because emails with video are the ones that subscribers find most memorable. But the email-video combo is still a rare pairing. Here's how to use it to your benefit.