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  • Modern marketers wear many hats. They're expected to accomplish numerous tasks, but formal training for most of those tasks doesn't exist—or it's considered less important than training for Sales. But systematic training for your marketing team is a must. Here's why.

  • Everyone talks about the importance of Sales and Marketing alignment, but it remains elusive in practice. It's time to change that. With some straightforward tactics, you can empower both teams, effectively attribute revenue, and boost your bottom line. Sponsored by Act-On.

  • Getting your marketing and sales teams on the same page—aligning them around a common revenue goal—can have a huge payoff.

  • Raw leads are neutral entities at first, but you can turn them into real prospects. Learn how to qualify those with high-value potential and move them to closed-deal status.

  • Few companies realize the incredible power of their customer communities. Don't be one of them. Learn about the interplay between content and community and four engagement lessons that'll keep you ahead of the pack.

  • To significantly boost sales, you've got to understand base sales drivers and marketing's impact on them. Learn from examples that illustrate how factor analysis can help you yield consistently high ROI.

  • "You guys are a bunch of clowns who just do arts and crafts all day!" Is that what your sales team says about the marketing folks? Ever wonder how you might get those two hearts to beat as one?

  • More and more organizations are investing in marketing automation platforms. Is yours one of them? If so, learn how to select the right one, plan for its adoption, and avoid common implementation pitfalls.

  • Marketers have a tough job! No juggler's job has ever been as tough. With 13 or so online marketing channels (and just as many offline), the job of cross-channel marketing is difficult. But creating a successful cross-channel marketing organization is possible.

  • If you want to answer the C-suite's questions about how Marketing is performing, you need a dashboard—an insightful report that can optimize performance. Learn five key steps to creating a viable marketing dashboard.

  • Sales and Marketing alignment is not a new issue, but marketing and sales organizations should not ignore some of the newest best-practices for creating a strong, collaborative revenue engine. The steps outlined here will fuel that engine by helping to align sales and marketing teams.

  • Only one in five B2B marketing and sales professionals (20%) say their demand generation campaigns are fully effective, whereas 80% say they are ineffective to semi-ineffective, according to a survey from Corporate Visions.

  • Marketers who have adopted multichannel marketing practices are reporting solid business benefits across key metrics, including shorter sales cycles and higher ROI from marketing investments, according to a report conducted by Forrester Research on behalf of Sitecore.

  • These days, if a marketing organization is to deliver value and show tangible results, it must build an analytical culture. If yours is like most marketing organizations, you already pack a strong dose of creativity. Analytics enables you to combine that creativity with fact-based decision-making—with powerful results.

  • Rick Jensen heads up both sales and marketing at Constant Contact, which is an interesting predicament to be in, considering the evolving relationship between Marketing and Sales. I thought he might have something interesting to say about the subject. I was not wrong.

  • This first article of a series focusing on lead nurturing asks and answers, "How do you achieve alignment between Marketing and Sales?" The series will cover 15 questions that are top of mind for companies.

  • Do you need a customer relationship management system to do lead nurturing? The short answer: A good CRM system is critical for getting all the value possible from your lead nurture and marketing automation investments.

  • Though 59% of national brand marketers say local marketing is essential to their business growth and profitability, only 7% say they have highly evolved campaigns in place—complete with measurements and analytics—that can activate consumers at a local level, according to a report by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council in partnership with Balihoo.

  • Though frequently at odds, marketing and IT executives agree that harnessing Big Data is imperative to building a customer-centric corporate culture; they also agree that a lack of alignment, rigid silos, unclear responsibilities, and a lack of leadership impede an organization from using Big Data to its full potential.

  • Facebook takes on LinkedIn via ZipRecruiter integration; Instagram polling via Stories; Bumble's new professional networking and mentorship feature; Messenger Lite enters US market; Shopify makes it easy to buy on Instagram; Facebook Ads monetize your email list; much more!