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  • So you've just crafted a beautiful blog post bursting with metaphors and emotion and elaborate language. Done! The sales should roll in. But that's not quite how persuasion works. Check out this article to find out what does.

  • Hot take: All that content you’ve been creating? It’s not thought leadership. Or at least most of it isn’t, especially if you leave the writing to AI.

  • Providing useful content to your audience and selling your product or service to them aren't mutually exclusive tasks. These three tips explain how to use customer research to write compelling CTAs that help you make sales.

  • Millennials are expected to outnumber members of any other generation in the USA this year. How can savvy marketers make the most of this opportunity? What's the best way to reach out to the Millennial market? What kind of message is most likely to resonate?

  • Your welcome emails set the tone for the relationship with your subscribers. If recipients come to know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to open, click, and buy from your future emails. Here are five elements of a welcome email series that'll tip the scales in your favor when you're ready to promote your offers.

  • Done right, humor sells. But you probably don't sell a product or service that's inherently funny. So how can you create funny content that's just right for your business?

  • An effective case study starts with a great interview. These five tips will help you ask relevant questions and elicit answers that build persuasive case studies.

  • In a world full of "READ THIS!" "BUY NOW!" and "CLICK HERE!" sometimes the only action customers want to take is to click away. And we marketers shouldn't blame them. So, what do we do? How else can we inspire action?

  • Your words, voice, and content matter in B2B marketing. And Ann Handley, CCO at MarketingProfs, knows this as well as anyone. So Ann revised her best-selling book from the ground up! Get Ann's inside scoop on "Everybody Writes 2: Your New and Improved Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content."

  • What's MAMBA? Only the very thing that will make you write better marketing communications materials.

  • There's something that most writers neglect to take into consideration.

  • When you need to write ads or promotional text, here are some tips that will help you develop a concept and message that work.

  • Sales proposals can be your best branding and sales tool. But too often they are a boilerplate mishmash stitched together seconds before the FedEx pickup. And that's a shame.

  • Successful teasers draw on the basic principles of direct response marketing as well as good journalism. And they throw in a little sex, to boot!

  • The challenge comes in extracting your knowledge, and turning it into a publication-quality article with the least pain and effort.

  • Very often what gives you the emotional, hit-it-right-on-the-nose tools you need for successful writing are small nuances.

  • How do you write sizzle successfully when you’re selling something intangible to people who aren’t customers—but are almost as important?

  • When you prepare an important presentation, be sure to make the effort to make your copy flow.

  • Media relations is known for being both an art and a science. But sadly, many public relations professionals come across as if they're using a 99-cent watercolor set and grade school chemistry kit.