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  • You've been told by "experts" for years that if you blog consistently, you will see truckloads of traffic, thousands of subscribers, and millions of dollars in sales. Here's the truth.

  • How a business presents its services to potential customers is of paramount importance. And you may get just one shot at it...

  • How a business presents its services to potential customers is of paramount importance. And you may get just one shot at it...

  • Learn how to create a brand style guide that can make your rebranding efforts successful by maintaining consistency and trust. Discover more insights.

  • It sounds simple, but writing a good question and collecting reliable answers is harder than it seems—whether you're writing full-fledged survey instruments or quick questions for polls or forms. So here are six sets of expert tips and best-practices.

  • Hot take: All that content you’ve been creating? It’s not thought leadership. Or at least most of it isn’t, especially if you leave the writing to AI.

  • When potential customers arrive at your website or look over your marketing materials, they immediately want to know what's in it for them. If that's not obvious, chances are they will move on quickly. By using the word "you," you begin to establish a connection with readers because you address their needs. And rather than objectifying your message—placing it on a pedestal, as an object of study—you personalize it. Instead of creating an abstraction, you start to build a relationship.

  • Writing is a vital component of various marketing-related tasks. Effective writing can improve sales pitches, enhance brand value, and perfect ad campaigns. Spruce up your marketing with these five tips.

  • No matter who your customers are or what they desire, 13 human motivators, or "hot buttons," are ultimately responsible for driving sales. To boost sales, learn which motivators and human desires to tap into—and when.

  • Your welcome emails set the tone for the relationship with your subscribers. If recipients come to know, like, and trust you, they're more likely to open, click, and buy from your future emails. Here are five elements of a welcome email series that'll tip the scales in your favor when you're ready to promote your offers.

  • Millennials are expected to outnumber members of any other generation in the USA this year. How can savvy marketers make the most of this opportunity? What's the best way to reach out to the Millennial market? What kind of message is most likely to resonate?

  • Painful as they may seem, requests for proposals are a B2B fact of life. They help you establish successful partnerships in an age of tight budgets and fierce competition for service contracts. Ensure your company gets the most out of the RFP process.

  • So frustrating: You work hard. You know your industry inside and out. You offer something nobody else does. And you take precious time to write about it in your business blog. Yet... nobody is reading.

  • You market and sell to businesses. So, if you're going to create B2B sales and marketing material (which—make no mistake—your explainer video is), keep in mind these five tips for writing a video script that converts.

  • Use these tips—straight from the mouths of journalists—to help your press release stand out from the ineffective and soon-to-be-deleted competition in your target journalist's inbox.

  • Some 18 months after the introduction of the iPad, 11% of US adults now own a tablet computer of some kind, and among them 53% access news via tablet every day, reading long articles as well as browsing headlines, according to a new report by Pew Research.

  • Is well-written content more effective than poorly written content? Does it make consumers more likely to like brands, click on offers, and purchase products/services?

  • Writing to sell doesn't have to be difficult. Check out this graphic for basic tips, and remember not to overthink it.

  • How many hashtags and emojis, and number of characters—and what message types—should you be using for your social media posts? Today's infographic answers those questions about best-performing posts on six top social media platforms.

  • What nightspots trend on Twitter? Heineken helps young people find out. You’ll also learn what people really share on social networks, how to write like a spy, why word crimes are way worse than blurred lines, and why joining Instagram may be the smartest thing the TSA ever did. Skim for your share of state secrets.