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  • Remarketing emails aren't a new thing, and marketers have been doing it for years. But many companies still don't have a proper welcome series set up to welcome new subscribers and turn them into new customers.

  • You've probably heard the saying, "It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission." All too often I hear from marketers and business owners who find themselves considering such an unfortunate choice. Here's what to do instead.

  • From phishing messages to malicious attachments and links to viruses, spam affects billions of email users each year. If your marketing emails are mistakenly considered spam, you'll lose both money and conversions.

  • How can e-commerce marketers get a serious leg up on the competition? By using their emails and marketing automation systems to "frame" their customers for the perfect sale.

  • Creating and running an email marketing program can be as difficult as... finding an enjoyable first date. The similarities don't end there. Here are four simple dating rules you can apply to email marketing.

  • There is no better way to determine the impact of a design, copy, or scheduling change on your email campaigns. But A/B testing can seem overwhelming to take on. These do's and don'ts will steer you in the right direction.

  • Today, each email competes with thousands of digital, mobile, and social messages. It can seem nearly impossible for your email to stand out and get noticed. But you can cut through the clutter.

  • Innovation in email marketing is tied to the customer conversation. If marketers don't keep their end of the conversation up between purchase cycles, they risk becoming irrelevant or forgotten.

  • Using video in email should be a no-brainer, because emails with video are the ones that subscribers find most memorable. But the email-video combo is still a rare pairing. Here's how to use it to your benefit.

  • This holiday season, email marketers and online retailers are in a Hunger Games of their own: Keeping their emails alive—and out of the spam folder—will determine their ability to survive this season.

  • A clear call to action (CTA) in email is as vital to ensuring click-throughs as the subject line is to ensuring opens, and video is the king of CTAs.

  • Gmail has been making lots of waves lately: priority inboxes, promotions tabs... Every new release seems intended to make life harder for email marketers. But if we'd stop complaining for a minute, we'd see a host of hidden opportunities.

  • Consumers are demanding mobile-optimized emails, and businesses need to adjust their content and tactics accordingly. Those that don't adapt to meet this new customer demand are fated to fall behind.

  • With the first quarter of the year behind us, what will you do to maximize email marketing's contribution to your bottom line from here on out? I encourage you to try these program-level objectives.

  • The next time you broadcast a permission-based email to your customers, members or newsletter subscribers, monitor your response for the next 48 hours. That's when the vast majority—80%—of those who would open your message will actually open it, according to the results of our recent study. What's more, 95% of people who read your message do so within six days of your mailing.

  • hile California's new spam law is aimed at spammers, its wake is rippling toward every legitimate email marketer.

  • Despite the death knell sounded for email marketing, it has persevered as the most direct and effective way to reach your customers. It's critical, however, to reach them on their terms. Here's the basics on how to send permission-based email that speaks to your clients and prospects.

  • Foothill Dental gets it. It's not "doing social media" in the way we think of it. Foothill Dental does not have a Twitter account or Facebook fan page. It doesn't blog or answer questions on LinkedIn. It doesn't use Gowalla or Foursquare. Foothill Dental leverages the awesome power of email marketing. Here's how.

  • If no one's reading your email campaign, no matter how great it is, it's not going to make any sales. You need a great email list filled with customers and prospects who have said yes to receiving information from you and who will be moved to action if the time or offer is right. But that list needs to grow if you want your business to grow.