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  • Most bloggers don't know how to emotionally connect with readers and get them sucked into their blog posts and articles. Here, I want to give you five easy tactics to instantly transform an ordinary blog post into an empathetic work of art.

  • "People who think well, write well," said David Ogilvy. Good writing is the clearest indicator of good thinking. You also need love and commitment.

  • Write SMS messages that rock by following the tips in this Text Marketer infographic.

  • Sometimes you struggle to get your firm's executives to recognize the power of good writing. You edit their text, but they put the jargon and longwinded language back in. But you can win over your subject-matter experts.

  • The key to authoring good written content is to use language that doesn't detract from your message. That's where readability scores can help.

  • Whether you're a marketing newbie or a seasoned pro, Marketing Writing Bootcamp's 13 sessions will help you level up your marketing writing… fast!

  • There may not exactly be a magic formula, but there are steps you can take to write for humans that will also appeal to the Google bots that determine whether your content will ever see the search engine light of day.

  • Sometimes writing can feel laborious and unfruitful, with your inner critic constantly making you question the quality of your work. So how can you discover your writing genius even when you feel empty?

  • These principles of social media engagement, along with 10 tried-and-true tips and social media tropes that connect with audiences, will help you write engaging social media copy on behalf of your B2B brand. See how.

  • If you aspire to lean and confident writing in your marketing content, you'll avoid populating your prose with superfluous words. Simply put, the most effective writing and communication makes every word... communicate. Here's how to write less but say more.

  • Could you create effective marketing copy by imposing limits on how you write? How about using some tricks and tactics that poets—and Dr. Seuss—use! To craft unforgettable, memorable marketing copy, take a page or two from Dr. Seuss.

  • MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer, best-selling author, and global keynote speaker Ann Handley shares her secret to writing addictive email newsletters.

  • Creating content that engages readers isn't easy, especially today. In our haste to create fresh, useful content, we make mistakes. But our audiences don't want to waste time on substandard writing. Avoid these nine common writing and content mistakes.

  • Learn how to apply the principles of deliberate practice to improve your writing skills and accelerate your learning. Some 30+ hand-drawn images illustrate tips and advice to make you a better writer.

  • A hook is the initial sentence (or single word) that grabs the attention of readers and entices them to keep reading. Here are six ways you can approach writing a tantalizing hook.

  • Google ads are a competitive space. Check out this infographic for seven tips—with supporting data—to help you get the best ROI on your ads.

  • Humor columnist and marketing expert Erik Deckers discusses creative writing techniques that can improve your content marketing.

  • Your first draft doesn't have to be perfect, and your research doesn't have to take forever. By focusing on making yourself a pragmatic writer rather than a perfectionist, you can become both more creative and faster.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll take a closer look at some of the benefits of crappy first drafts including how they make you feel better about yourself, allow you to use momentum, and help with planning. You'll leave with an understanding of why you shouldn't be ashamed of a crappy first draft but rather how to embrace the idea and write faster, better, and more fluently.

  • In this online seminar, you'll learn how to fine-tune your content planning and development to better mirror reader habits. You'll discover what your audiences want to read and need to know, and how to reach and genuinely influence prospects. You'll leave with the tools to harness your readers' preferences to improve your content's trust factor.