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  • Here's a great summer project: Gather your sales brochures, product bulletins, Web page copy, white papers, news releases, sales presentations, annual and quarterly reports...and so on. How clearly and consistently is a differentiated position expressed? Does it read like fodder from several different companies? Well, it doesn't have to.

  • Time was when you looked carefully at your handwritten draft, mindful that revisions to the typewritten version would waste a lot of time. So you thought a great deal about what you wrote. You had an incentive to consider every sentence, every phrase, every word. There is no doubt that the arrival of word processing made the writer’s life a lot easier. But something has been lost.

  • After the agony of attempting to make offline text work online, we’ve finally turned the tables.

  • Here are 10 rules for writing effective web content.

  • etadata is wholly misunderstood. Editors and writers tend to look at it as a technical issue. Technical people look for a software solution. In fact, both are wrong.

  • What’s the single most important thing that could improve the Web? It’s not broadband. It’s better writing.

  • Writing by committee ends with too many words and too little focus, and it is a colossal waste of time. That is, unless....

  • n effective headline is the most important aspect of any successful print ad.

  • By actively managing the way you represent your skills and your achievements, you can boost your chances of getting ahead.

  • If you’re writing a white paper, issue brief, article, analysis, or report, what’s the best way to conclude that document?

  • The shift in how search engines treat keywords is significant. Now, they tend to ignore the keyword meta tag and rather look for keywords in the actual page content.

  • ake a minute to review these 10 fundamentals of great copy. How does your Web writing stack up?

  • Despite this age of information overload, buyers still need information to help them make the right choices. By incorporating some of these tips, you and your marketing staff can produce pieces that will stand out from your competition's—and guide the buyer to the close of the sale.

  • Looking for ways to create a proposal that sets you and your company favorably apart? Ways that capture the great things you have to offer? Here are six suggested best-practices intended to not only maximize your chances to stand out and land the job but also manage the risks.

  • Looking for ways to create a proposal that sets you and your company favorably apart? Ways that capture the great things you have to offer? Here are six suggested best-practices intended to not only maximize your chances to stand out and land the job but also manage the risks.

  • As marketing professionals, business owners, and salespeople, our livelihood depends in large part on our ability to communicate. And as we prepare for our next marcom project, marketing campaign, sales presentation, or public-speaking opportunity, we would do well to call to mind the lessons to be learned from Lincoln's masterpiece.

  • Sales letters are powerful selling tools. They are a simple, direct way to generate sales leads and orders. But for many businesspeople, they present a daunting writing challenge. Use these 10 tips to write a winning sales letter.

  • Informative and persuasive sales letters might be difficult to write—but they can pay off big time. Learn five tips for writing engaging, informative, and concise sales letters that'll produce results.

  • The call to action in your marketing materials is one of the most important elements in a campaign. So how can you write one that works? Learn tried-and-true tips that can help catapult your call-to-action writing to expert level.

  • Content creation is a large part of what we do as marketers—and writing effective, well-optimized content is, well, hugely important. In fact, poorly written and unoptimized Web content can render you all but invisible on the Web. Not good...