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  • How are small businesses using artificial intelligence tools to create and improve their content? What types of content are they creating with AI? To find out, researchers surveyed 2,600 people who work for firms around the world.

  • Are PR pros using generative AI to help with their jobs? If so, what sorts of tasks are they using AI programs for? Find out.

  • It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to turn a one-time customer into a brand evangelist. That engagement usually begins with an email conversation.

  • There may be no magic bullet for increasing lead generation, but tweaking your marketing content can still boost the response to it—and improve lead quality. Here are six easy ways to do that.

  • Companies devote 24 hours to writing a request for proposal (RFP) and involve seven people in the process, on average, according to recent research from Loopio.

  • Explainer videos allow us to promote our products and services while also sharing valuable information that our potential customers need. Follow these five steps to ensure your video hits all the right notes for your audience.

  • Imagine graduating from college with a marketing degree and being able to immediately function as a marketer in most any company or situation. Education has forever grappled with the the "theory vs. practice" problem. Here's how to balance the two approaches.

  • Voice search is gaining in popularity, and your brand has just one chance to get to the top of the search results and be the featured answer. This guide explains how to do that and why you'll want to get started today.

  • For a lot of companies, finding PR success can be extraordinarily frustrating—especially when just starting out. But the good news is that it's actually fairly simple to get your brand name out there and in the media.

  • When you're recognized as a brand authority, you become the go-to business in your industry, you can be more selective with clients, and you can charge higher rates that reflect your expertise.

  • As the practice of content marketing matures, so too do the tools that make us more efficient, help us scale faster, and enhance our ability to measure. But making sense of all the available options can make your head spin.

  • The Web has changed the rules for press releases. The thing is, most old-line PR professionals just don't know it yet.

  • Email is a medium for economically and effectively marketing your small business. But most everything out there that provides guidelines, best-practices, and advice on the application of the channel to your marketing efforts are largely geared toward bigger businesses. Until now, that is, because here are 10 tips you can leverage and implement easily and quickly—while still having a positive influence on your bottom line—without having to worry yourself with multivariate testing, dynamic content development, and data integration.

  • In aggregating and organizing content from top sites around the Internet, Alltop goes a long way toward solving the filtering problem that many of us have. Alltop can be an invaluable tool for marketers. This article shares eight ways that we can benefit from using Alltop.

  • Without careful planning, your e-book may become a sinkhole of confused agendas, missed opportunities, and poor distribution. Here are a few key things that might help you avoid the pains and achieve the gains.

  • It’s all about designing your site around the searching patterns and psychology of your visitors, not coming up with something that looks cool but sends your visitors clicking for the hills.

  • Old-school thinking demotes blogs to the domain of college students and frustrated authors battling writers block. New-school thinking elevates blogging to a much different sphere of influence. Journalists have embraced blogging -- both authoring blogs as well as consulting them for sources. And now blogging also has a place in the corporation -- in fact, it's actually good for business.

  • ow do you know if the content of your e-newsletter is on the mark? Answer: It depends on your goal.

  • Quality links from external Web sites will help get more of the right people to your own site.

  • A corporate blog can be a key component of any marketing strategy. It can help generate leads, demonstrate a customer-centric culture, and engage your audience. Here are 30 ideas for creating a well-rounded corporate blog.