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  • A misdirected e-mail sales pitch is as likely to turn customers off as it is to turn them on. Learn how the fundamentals of writing and marketing can work in your favor when composing a direct e-mail marketing campaign.

  • Make no mistake: Online, your success in converting interest into acquisition depends on your ability to connect with prospects precisely where they are in the buying process. B2B and B2C buyers go through similar stages in that process as they consider their purchasing decision: needs assessment, requirements analysis, evaluation, purchasing. Using this model, there are four distinct methods you can use to successfully transition prospects from first click to conversion.

  • How do you start from scratch yet create a top-ranked marketing blog in less than a year? If the author had anything close to a foolproof formula, she'd be making an infomercial right now rather than writing this article. Nevertheless, here she shares some tips from her own experience to help you achieve success with your marketing blog.

  • The way teleprospectors phrase their questions and emphasize key messaging can be the difference between a fully qualified lead or a dial tone. But don't fall into the common trap of writing a script and trying to get everyone to follow it verbatim.

  • This article will help writers gain a better understanding of Google Authorship and Author/Agent rank, learn to set up their own Google Author accounts, and help protect their online work from piracy.

  • The Boston Marathon topped headlines this week. See how social helped salve wounds, correct errors, and reconnect people. Also, the latest on LinkedIn ads, Twitter's just-launched #music, and Facebook's Open Graph Mobile. And social case studies from the likes of Coca-Cola, stats on SMBs' and B2Bs' social use, and Jeremiah Owyang's tips on becoming a truly open leader. Skim for an eye-opener.

  • If there's a bible for this new media world in which we do business, it's David Meerman Scott's The New Rules of Marketing and PR. A revised and updated edition (its fourth!) of the classic is out this month. David and I had a chance to sit down and talk about what's new in new marketing.

  • The majority (60%) of marketers and content creators say one of their biggest digital copywriting challenges is that "people just don't get what good copy is," according to a recent report.

  • When working with freelancers, "let the buyer beware" is a good rule of thumb. If you aren't careful in the due-diligence process, you may be in for more than you bargained for (literally). How can you make sure you don't get burned?

  • Dealing with prospective clients, including the inconsiderate ones, is just part of the job for many of us. Fortunately, you can make the experience a little less frustrating and time-consuming. Here are a few tips I've picked up.

  • The corporate graveyard is full of onetime leading businesses that lost their competitive edge by failing to keep current on their competitors. Think of the classic story of Digital Equipment Corporation, with its once technical superiority turning into organizational chaos, or the various bloated airlines, with cost structures and business models that were vulnerable to competition long before 9/11. Here's a test of your own organization's competitive market strategy.

  • Bloggers are writing longer posts and spending more time crafting pieces than in years past, according to recent research from Orbit Media.

  • 21 industry stars, 21 pieces of valuable advice for you to up your marketing game in the new year: don't miss this special yearend video episode of the Marketing Smarts podcast!

  • Mia Masson talks about the upheaval the event industry has experienced over the past two years, what the future of events looks like, and why building a community—even by accident—is a must for all marketers.

  • Ann Handley breaks down the parts of "ridiculously good content": content that your audience finds invaluable; content that's inspired by data, creativity, or a blend of both.

  • Get ready to forget everything you thought you knew about SEO. Host George B. Thomas and guest Ryan Brock discuss the powerful approach of pillar-based marketing and becoming a topical authority in the eyes of Google.

  • Considering outsourcing your thought leadership content to generative AI? You may want to reconsider, as editors are well aware of the risks and inaccuracies that come with content created solely by AI.

  • GenAI's positive benefits outweigh its negative consequences, but that doesn't make those consequences any less real. This article lists future concerns about the use of AI, from basic to dystopian.

  • Have you played with AI tools and been disappointed with the output? Do you suspect you could get better results if you just knew how to use them? Join this free session from the AI for Content Creators series to discover the power of effective prompts for AI writing platforms like ChatGPT.