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  • Search engine optimization expert Kris Reid shares tips for optimizing content and unconventional approaches for hiring talent. He also discusses how (and why) to build a business overseas.

  • Guest Christopher Penn, an authority in analytics, digital marketing, and AI, discusses what AI means for marketing and provides easy-to-understand examples of how marketers might use AI.

  • Cold emails often get a bad rap for being intrusive, generic, and spammy. Can ChatGPT help? You bet it can.

  • Marketing Smarts host George B. Thomas and analytics authority Christopher Penn discuss data science and why it is essential to B2B marketing. They also cover what AI means for the industry, how to implement machine-learning, and how to think like a data scientist.

  • There's nothing particularly thrilling about writing RFPs. But when it's time to switch email service providers, the sheer number of options basically requires you to write them. Here are three tips to make the process less painful.

  • These are the infographics that you and your fellow marketers found most worthy of your time and attention in 2015.

  • Brand tone of voice is vital to expressing your brand identity. The correct tone can help a company distinguish itself from competitors, reinforce the brand's personality, and underpin the brand's promise to its customers.

  • What should companies screen for when identifying marketing talent? The best candidates have strong hard and soft skills that will allow them to succeed and add value to the organization from day one.

  • Understanding these trends will help you to strategize ways of harnessing them to enhance your brand and expand your career success.

  • "Content operations" refers to everything that helps content marketing efforts run smoothly and drive impact for a business. That includes people, technology, and processes. Marketing needs well-oiled content operations, including these five essential elements.

  • Most B2B newsletters seem confused as to why they exist. A study of 100 of them over three months found most of them difficult to read, visually confusing, and lacking utility. But the top 10 were different. Some people behind a few of those top newsletters answer the question, What's your secret?

  • Marketers can expect 2018 to be a big year for digital advertising, with continued growth in voice search, video ads, targeting accuracy, and more. Check out four big digital ad predictions here.

  • This cheat sheet goes beyond common spelling mistakes. Keep it handy to make sure you're using "affect" and "effect" properly, to help you refrain from splicing commas, to identify those sneaky dangling modifiers, and more.

  • To build your online reputation and your personal brand, you need to present yourself as an expert, someone people will want to hire or buy something from. A blog is an ideal way to hone your personal brand online.

  • Articles are a fundamental tool in your content marketing toolbox. Here are three places your articles can find a home, each of which serves a different purpose and offers unique benefits for your content strategy.

  • Branding is a beautiful thing—any business, regardless of size, can connect with consumers to cement a relationship.

  • In the literary world, "good writing" may be notoriously difficult to define. But on the Web, good copy has two clear, easily understood objectives: It elevates your search engine rankings, and it attracts qualified traffic and holds the attention of your prospects and customers. On the Web, your words carry a lot of weight. Fortunately, you can build verbal muscle, fast. Following are five tips you can apply right now (with a minimum of time or technical hassle) to dramatically improve the effectiveness of your Web site writing.

  • This week, read your answers to a previous dilemma: What are the most effective ways to launch a Web site for teens who have little spending money? Also this week, add your two cents to the current dilemma: What makes for compelling Web copy?

  • Just as understanding the requirements of your market is important in selling a product or service, understanding the needs of the relevant media is critical in a successful public relations effort.

  • A misdirected e-mail sales pitch is as likely to turn customers off as it is to turn them on. Learn how the fundamentals of writing and marketing can work in your favor when composing a direct e-mail marketing campaign.