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  • Marketers covet Page One of Google search results for a reason: It's chock-full of possibilities for website traffic, leads, and conversions. Here's a tried-and-true process for creating content that ranks.

  • Need to bulk up? Building links takes time. But in this lesson you'll learn some quick ways to build more links (the good kind!), helping you to increase your domain authority.

  • Just because freelance writers aren't employees doesn't mean they aren't a valuable part of your marketing team. Here's how to seek out those who are right for you and bring them on board, and what signs to look for that they might not be working out.

  • Indecision, internal squabbles, poor protocols, and fear of finishing and "shipping" can paralyze marketing initiatives. But your content program doesn't have to go down that rabbit hole. Here are tips for quickly instituting a content marketing program.

  • Blogging is a great way for sales reps to establish credibility, but it's up to us marketers to ensure the brand's best face is put forward with clear, concise, and appropriate messages that aren't too salesy. Here's how.

  • MarketingProfs founder and mindfulness teacher Allen Weiss explains how mindfulness and meditation can help marketers survive and thrive in stressful situations (like, say, a pandemic).

  • Online reviews appear in search results when people are evaluating your product or service, and professionals regularly frequent review sites when searching for solutions.

  • Book marketing and publicity expert Fauzia Burke has run campaigns for Mary Higgins Clark and Tom Clancy, among many others. Here, she shares tips from her recent book, Online Marketing for Busy Authors.

  • How do B2B marketers measure content marketing success? Which metric do they say is most important? Which tactics do they use? What increases content effectiveness? What do the most effective B2B marketers do differently?

  • Many businesses and individuals have leaped blindly into the blog pool. Countless bloggers have found the water a bit too chilly and have abandoned blogging altogether. Still others are barely keeping their heads above water as they grapple with the challenges of blogging. Perhaps you are contemplating blogging? Leading bloggers have some important warnings for you.

  • A lump of coal in your Christmas stocking—that's what the most recent holiday mailing you managed may have felt like. So while the pain and memory are relatively fresh, let's take a look at some smarter ways to get out a holiday mailing, assuming that angst of holiday mailings is a fact of life for most businesses.

  • A decade from now, the Internet will have redefined the way we read, write, and gather knowledge to skills largely built around gadgetry and applications, according to a new study from Pew Internet.

  • Why should you hire a brand journalist? In this episode of Marketing Smarts, Joe Chernov, Eloqua's vice-president of content marketing, explains why hiring a brand journalist can make all the content you produce better.

  • We are in the age of information overload, with a plethora of blogs for every topic imaginable. We don't have time to read everything. And we need to maximize value: We read content to learn, after all. Which is why marketers must create purposeful content.

  • Here's a quick crash course on the agile project management methodology and how I, as a marketer, applied it to managing my team. I hope to help you identify where you can improve your marketing project management.

  • Blogs provide an excellent platform for engaging with customers, but many bloggers make fundamental mistakes that can seriously harm their success. Here is a list of nine unforgivable blogging offenses you should avoid.

  • Artificial intelligence has been improving workflows in back-office systems for years. But the advent of generative AI, which interprets human language and mimics human speech, writing, and art, can revolutionize customer service in particular. Here's how.

  • Everyone has questions about whether, when, and how to use ChatGPT for marketing. Aside from the sense of wonder that tech is crafting sentences, what does it really bring to the table? One marketing department did some experimenting to find out.

  • Now that TikTok has entered the search ad game, have you adjusted your media mix? If you're trying to reach Gen Z or Millennials and you haven't yet made use of the advertising capabilities TikTok affords marketers, you should probably rethink your ad strategy.

  • Objectivity, availability, and budget are among the many advantages of hiring contract writers for marketing content. If selecting and managing a group of outsourced writers intimidates you, these guidelines will help make it a painless process.