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  • Once perceived as nerdy gamer technology, virtual reality is being embraced by brands across the globe. Marketers are realizing the potential of VR to leave indelible impressions on consumers. You might want to check out how it can help you engage customers.

  • Content marketers regularly send out guest-article or guest-post pitches. But do those pitches resonate with the editors who receive them? Unfortunately, not very often. But why? In this infographic, business and marketing website editors explain why—and how to write pitches that get, and hold, editors' attention.

  • Who doesn't want job satisfaction and more productive employees? Happier faces at the office are certainly good for company morale, too. This infographic offers tips, advice, and helpful hints on how to be happier at work.

  • Chatbots, robots, digital assistants, automated vehicles, virtual assistants... They (and much more) are the products of artificial intelligence, which is poised to transform entire industries. Here's an overview of the current state of AI, all in one (very long) infographic.

  • Marketers need to keep up on the state of voice search, because it's changing how consumers search for information. Users are speaking into their smartphones and to voice assistants to find out about your business, products, and services. Check out this compilation of voice search statistics.

  • Instagram has over 1 billion active monthly users, 500 million of whom are active daily on the image-based social platform. Users' engagement with brands on Instagram is at least 10 times higher than on any other social platform. Worth paying attention to, right?!

  • Personalization is powerful: It improves customer experience, it increases brand loyalty, it drives revenue, and it promotes creative consistency across marketing channels. Check out this infographic on the power, potential, and process of personalization.

  • Whether you're hosting a marketing department gathering, company meeting, or an industry conference, planning an event requires organization and plenty of time for preparation. See what event planners have to say about how to put together an event.

  • Twitter has 330 million active monthly users. More than 500 million tweets go out each day—roughly 6,000 tweets each second. How can you or your brand possibly stand out in the torrent of tweets?

  • Marketers are investing heavily in display ad campaigns to drive brand awareness as well as sales. But ROI hinges on being able to personalize ads to the consumer, showing them the right ad at the right time. Check out this infographic for ways to do that.

  • Marketers' day-to-day responsibilities, together with what's expected of marketing departments and marketers, continue to shift. So do marketing skill sets and marketing team structures—and marketing salaries.

  • Consumer behavior is continually evolving, both adapting to and influencing our permanently connected world. How can marketers—and, more broadly, businesses—keep up with the pace of change and evolving consumer behavior?

  • Most marketers want to deliver consistent omnichannel experiences, but 4 out of 10 still struggle with launching integrated campaigns across channels. This infographic highlights marketers' key omnichannel challenges and needs. Take a look.

  • Bringing creative teams in-house promises greater efficiencies and higher-quality creative work. But marketing organizations can't just bolt on a creative team and expect miracles. Check out the infographic to learn more.

  • Only about half of LinkedIn users have a complete profile; yet, those who have a complete, optimized profile are about 40 time more apt to receive a job opportunity via LinkedIn. For all you need to know to create a highly optimized LinkedIn profile, check out this infographic.

  • Businesses worldwide are jumping onto technological advancements and changes in marketing. If you're not prioritizing digital marketing, you're merely giving your competitors a chance to get ahead. See just how important digital marketing is for businesses today.

  • It's already back-to-school season—the second-biggest retail event of the year, behind holiday shopping. But effectively targeting these shoppers takes a bit of planning. Use the stats and strategies in this infographic to plan the most effective back-to-school campaigns.

  • At this point, your company is probably investing time and money into social media, but a key component still missing from most social media marketing efforts is an employee advocacy program. These stats show why that's likely a big shortcoming.

  • B2B content is clearly not up to the task, according to B2B decision-makers who say it tends to be fluffy, irrelevant, misleading... When your marketing content is not fit enough to perform as it should, what can you do? Whip it into shape fast with these 10 core marketing exercises.

  • Wouldn't it be useful if you had a checklist to make sure your search engine optimization (SEO) is Web-worthy in 2019? You do now... Check out this comprehensive infographic.