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  • There's no point in burying your head in the sand: Generative AI is here to stay, and it's only going to become more popular. The good news is tech marketers can use AI platforms like ChatGPT to make their lives a lot easier.

  • How should B2B communicators dip their toes into the AI waters before fully embracing it? There are three major things to consider: what AI excels at, what skills it lacks, and what legal and copyright issues are at stake.

  • What’s a style guide? And why do you need one?

  • Here’s how to write a case study and see it through to publication.

  • Paul Roetzer—founder of inbound marketing agency PR 20/20, author of The Marketing Agency Blueprint—shares tips for smart staffing and measuring marketing results from his latest book, The Marketing Performance Blueprint.

  • As you prepare your content marketing strategy for the coming year (and you are preparing one, right?), keep these awesome expert tips and nuggets of valuable advice in mind.

  • These are the how-to articles—those that dispense practical, tactical advice and tips—that you and your fellow marketers found most worthy of your time and attention in 2015.

  • You've heard about recent well-publicized PR nightmares for two major brands (Heinz and Southwest). How could those situations have been handled differently? Here are some ways.

  • The buzz about content creation is that AI is going to start doing it for us. That's not really the case—although it will certainly change the game, together with several other forms of tech that are influencing content growth.

  • Choosing a digital asset management solution from a sea of vendors can be overwhelming, but with the right RFP process in place, your selection will run more smoothly. Here's a quick overview.

  • Thought leadership is not a new topic, but defining and creating it remains elusive for many marketers. This article presents a useful framework for identifying what makes a good thought leader, as well as a guide on how you can become one yourself.

  • Content creation is one of those tasks organizational leaders should do but rarely find the time for. Extracting content, or even content ideas, from executives and internal experts is a major challenge for marketers. Here are six practical ways to get the content you need.

  • Like a house of cards, a marketing message takes a long, painstaking time to build up -- yet only moments to knock down.

  • Typical marketing communications are full of buzzwords that use “powerful” language in an effort to communicate a message. They succeed only in blurring their message so that it becomes meaningless.

  • E-mail is abused by innocent victims, just as alcohol, drugs and food are. Here's a 12-step program for the electronically afflicted.

  • A customer-focused approach to marketing communications applies whether you're a property manager renting out high-end vacation homes in Maine to wealthy residents of NYC, or an international high-tech company providing support to clients who rely on an enterprisewide accounting software. No matter what you sell or to whom, by framing your marketing message from the customer's point of view first—not yours—you'll craft much more targeted copy: customer-centric copy.

  • Who doesn't have a business blog these days? Maybe you? Fret no more. Here are the necessary steps to planning and implementing a corporate blog. This first article examines the key decisions on subject, mission, audience targeting, market survey, blogger selection, securing of a corporate champion, and the "go" decision.

  • Recently, we have been seeing more and more emails that take the "instant best buddy" approach: You sign up for some information on a site, and minutes later you receive a breathless email and hear how the author has just taken his kids to the beach, but simply had to rush home and share some terribly important news about an upcoming product launch. It's tempting to dismiss these emails. But here's the thing: They work.

  • Left unsupervised, your online forms can cause a lot of trouble for your conversions. However, optimize your forms for performance and they'll become your website's greatest money-making asset. The choice is yours.

  • Often, great ideas come to us when we least expect them, but it's annoying when we can't generate content on deadline. Still, don't worry, this is the 21st century... We have technology and experience on our side.