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  • Deliver marketing messages with crystal-clear writing! Ten marketing writing pros reveal their secrets to effective writing. From emails to newsletters, webpages to whitepapers, clear writing is a valuable skill you'll use every day. Discover how to compose compelling content that is easy to read and easy to understand at Marketing Writing Bootcamp.

  • Over four, super-sized extended weekly sessions, instructor Pam Didner will walk you through the must-know building blocks of good marketing—from market research and customer insight to positioning and messaging to marketing mix and creating a marketing plan.

  • Join MarketingProfs January 10 - March 13 for AI for Digital Marketers, the online event for marketers who want to improve their digital programs with the power of AI. Over 10 live weekly sessions, you'll learn how to harness the power of AI from experts you know and trust as they cover critical whats and how-tos—live. Plus, we're recording every broadcast, so you can stream when you want on-demand.

  • B2B Forum is the ultimate destination for marketers to discover how to drive growth, elevate brand reputation, prove ROI, and stay ahead of the ever-changing marketing curve. Featuring dozens of sessions, workshops, shenanigans, and more. Are you ready to experience the magic?

  • Writing can feel like inching your way along a pitch-black tunnel. You can make out only the next few feet in front of you. It's scary. But The Writing GPS is here to help.

  • When Google decided that mobile-friendliness will influence site rankings in search results, responsive design became a must. But what about the impact on copywriters and other content creators?

  • Writing 2,500 words per hour is possible. It's not even that hard. I do it regularly. You can, too.

  • These past few weeks have gutted us all emotionally, personally, and professionally. It has also left many of us feeling uninspired, stilted, and kinda... blah. Join Ann Handley for the first ever Tiny House Talk, a new kind of webinar to engage your brain and make you feel normal(ish) for an hour.

  • Have you ever reached for a brownie when you were trying to lose weight? Or stayed in bed when you intended to go to the gym? Or put off paying bills because it was "too much of a hassle"? There are lots of different ways in which we sabotage ourselves. This is true of life in general and also true of the writing life.

  • A few weeks ago the author penned a popular article here on how negative thoughts can sabotage your writing. This week, she looks at the mirror image of the topic. Read on to find out how this look at the "flip side" can help you write faster and better.

  • There are two distinct ways to approach the writing of a Web page... at least, according to this author. Here they are.

  • In this MarketingProfs Classic, originally published in April of 2003, Suzan St. Maur highlights 10 online writing concepts that also kick offline. "After all the agonies we suffered some years ago when some tried to make offline text work online, we've finally turned the tables," she writes. "Now we can borrow back a number of online writing concepts and use them to sharpen up our paper-based marketing communications."

  • Writers face specific challenges when writing a home page. In fact, home pages can be tricky, simply because your page not only has its own job to do but also has to support a group of second-level pages. Here's how Nick approaches the task... whether a site has a total of 10 pages or a thousand pages.

  • It may be awkward to openly acknowledge it, but every sale is a kind of seduction. As marketers, we make introductions, pursue courtships and hope for consummation—the sale. Here are a few thoughts on how to use words—which may be applied to everything from direct mail to Web site content—to make a more compelling appeal to the heart (and via the heart, to the purse).

  • In a classic "New Yorker" cartoon, a man approaches the pearly gates. Saint Peter, greeting the new arrival, gestures to a sign saying "Birth, Death & Beyond" and comments, "Actually, I preferred 'Heaven,' too, but then the marketing guys got hold of it." Ah, the dreaded "m" word. Instead of inspiring awe and admiration, it's now more likely to prompt contempt and eye-rolling.

  • More than 90% of journalists go online to find story ideas, with 73% specifically researching press releases. With Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and free automatic email alerts from Google News so readily available, it makes sense that the Web is a prime source of consistently updated information for busy journalists. So how can your organization capitalize on these trends?

  • Here’s how to write copy to nudge the brain in just the right way.