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  • Infographics are incredibly effective marketing tools. Even the simplest infographic could drive a thousand potential leads to your website. Here's how to take advantage of infographics in your marketing efforts.

  • Often, our online content doesn't engage readers because they don't want to read so much text. And that impacts bounces and time on page, which Google watches closely. So how can you improve engagement—and on-page SEO? This articles explains what you need to know.

  • This article will compare various tools for creating infographics to help you find the right tool for your own infographic marketing needs.

  • Savvy marketers are beginning to pay much more attention to the graphical presentation of their business proposals. But all graphics aren't created equal.

  • Marketing automation aims to help Marketing and Sales coordinate and streamline time-consuming tasks. Now, with the insertion of artificial intelligence and machine-learning into that process, not only rote tasks but also more complex ones can be automated. See how AI can level-up marketing automation.

  • Marketers publish infographics because they attract readers and because readers tend to share infographics on social networks. Those are marketing wins—in the form of backlinks, brand awareness, and website visitors. See how you can use infographics in your own marketing.

  • 2020 is destined to be yet another year of consistent growth for influencer marketing as it expands its reach into new industries, social networks, and content formats. And it's not just a B2C marketing strategy: B2B marketers can use it to achieve measurable business results.

  • What are consumers' viewpoints regarding video on social media, and do marketers' social video approaches and priorities mesh with those viewpoints? These two infographics highlight trends and insights from both camps.

  • Infographics that garner an above average number of shares on social media tend to come from high-quality domains, tend to be around 600 pixels wide, and tend to have succinct titles, according to recent research from Growista.

  • Super Bowl XLVII could be called the "Super Bowl of the Third Screen." Viewers turned to their laptops, smartphones, and tablets to comment via social media on ads, the half-time show, and the blackout. The following two infographics break down the social media buzz during the Super Bowl.

  • With the Oscars all but here, audiences have been taking to social media in the past month or two to cast their "votes" for their choices of award winners.These two infographics assess that buzz from different angles, with some surprising results.

  • Need to develop an SEO strategy for your company? Check out the suggestions in these two infographics for creating a strategy suited for your business.

  • These are the infographics that you and your fellow marketers found most worthy of your time and attention in 2015.

  • Planning to use infographics in your marketing? Then check out what characteristics the most popular infographics have in common.

  • Think only designers can create infographics? You have the power to create infographics yourself with tools you probably already have: PowerPoint and Keynote.

  • Infographics are liked and shared on social media three times more than other types of content, according to an infographic from IBM. Read on for more about how to make your infographics stand out from the crowd.

  • How can you add a new dimension to your infographics? Check out these 12 techniques for designing infographics that really shine.

  • Infographics, a type of long-form visual content, are often created by marketers primarily to boost engagement on social media and drive traffic to websites. But infographics can work great for lead generation, too.

  • Why can we watch three movies in a day but we're barely able to manage three books in a week—or a month? Humans are wired for visualization. We can more easily make sense of visual info than text.

  • Infographics are everywhere on the Web, but it isn't easy to come up with good designs to create your own. Here are five the most popular types of infographic templates, the reasons they work so well, and tips and tricks to help you make them your own.