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  • A mobile marketing strategy is crucial to an online retailer's success these days, and here's how to get your strategy working for you ASAP.

  • Nearly one-third (32%) of agency executives think they are already advertising on Facebook with video ads, something not yet possible on the platform, according to a recent report by Mixpo.

  • Time is not just money, it's a factor in the efficiency of your CRM strategy. Here are five ways you can have a more productive day with your CRM—one for each day of the week.

  • Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey started Barefoot Wine in a laundry room and grew it into one of the top US wine brands. They talk about how their approach to selling wine disrupted the industry, and what others can learn from their business model.

  • Most promotional email recipients (65%) engage with email in the afternoons and evenings, yet marketers tend to send emails first thing in the morning, according to a recent report by Retention Science.

  • Is your business friendly toward women? Here are 10 reasons why it should be.

  • This holiday season, customer-centric brands have an opportunity to up the ante for their consumer shopping experiences with an ace in the hole: Big Data.

  • Tweets that contain one or more hashtags are 55% more likely to be retweeted than those that do not, according to a recent analysis Dan Zarrella of HubSpot.

  • Especially in social media, if there isn't an immediate and significant response to an initiative, it's deemed a waste of time. But before you rush to judgment, give your effort an honest assessment against these three basic criteria.

  • How well do you know your sales team? To find out how most salespeople feel about missed quotas, the lead pipeline, and sales performance, check out the following infographic.

  • In the third quarter of 2013, paid search impressions, clicks, and advertiser spend increased for both Google and Bing (which includes the Yahoo search partnership), according to a recent report by The Search Agency.

  • Sometimes you struggle to get your firm's executives to recognize the power of good writing. You edit their text, but they put the jargon and longwinded language back in. But you can win over your subject-matter experts.

  • Get the latest on Twitter (which just launched scheduled tweets), Facebook (which might implement a follow button!) and Google (which made headlines with plans to launch “shared endorsements”). See how people are retaliating. Also get the skinny on BuzzFeed’s plans for world domination, and a cool tool that lets you create images of your product or site in different screen environments. Skim for the cheat sheet.

  • The proportion of American adult Internet users who upload or post videos online has more than doubled in four years, from 14% in 2009 to 31% today, according to a recent report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

  • From social media to retargeting ads, marketers continue to add new communication channels, and with each one we add the ability to sell but we also increase our ability to annoy.

  • E-commerce is one of the hottest trends in B2B marketing. Inspired by B2C e-commerce sites, buyers and procurers are demanding that their B2B suppliers deliver buying experiences comparable to those of leading online retailers.

  • Internet ad revenues surged to a landmark $20.1 billion in the first half of 2013, according to a recent report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC US.

  • Corey Sommers, SVP of whiteboard strategy at Corporate Visions, is also co-founder of WhiteboardSelling, where he was CMO. In this episode of Marketing Smarts, he discusses the book he co-wrote with David Jenkins, Whiteboard Selling: Empowering Sales Through Visuals.

  • The resurgence in storytelling, the original social medium, is an important and welcome evolution for many reasons. Memorable stories scale in a way that facts alone cannot. In a world of noise, the best stories win.

  • How do you make the transition from marketing strategy to actionable tactics in time for the holiday season? Here are three ways you can integrate social—and mobile—engagement into your holiday campaigns.