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  • Developing a Millennials-focused marketing strategy is a must: They are, after all, the largest generation by number and they already have enormous purchasing power. They also have unique generational characteristics that require a shift in tactics and strategy.

  • Aviation and hospitality industry marketer Uthpala Kumara of JKCS offers insights into building relationships in B2B industries with long, complex buying cycles.

  • The middle of the sales funnel is where social media advertising has the biggest impact, according to a recent report from Convertro and AOL Platforms.

  • This infographic takes a nostalgic road trip back in time to look at the top B2B marketing and PR trends that have shaped how corporate stories get told.

  • Building and maintaining a strong brand require constant monitoring and nurturing. And, on occasion, brand strategy needs to be refined, rejuvenated, or entirely reset. In any event, standing still is not an option.

  • Nearly one-third (31%) of companies that advertise in B2B email newsletters buy only email advertising, eschewing print and other digital buys, according to a recent report from MediaRadar.

  • Content marketing's honeymoon is over. You can't just create good blog content and call it a day. You now have to consider the entire content experience you're giving your audiences, and for that you need an optimized blog.

  • To achieve good ranking positions in Google organic search results, publishers need to include high-quality content on pages rather than simply rely on traditional SEO tactics, according to a recent report from Searchmetrics.

  • National brands often struggle to automate marketing through the local partners that sell their products.

  • Get the latest on Apple's freshest products (and less-fresh promo vid), plus a retailer's use of Instagram for creative couponing, Twitter's "buy" button experiments, and a Tinder for marketers and agencies. Skim to taste the buzz!

  • Google has decided to stop showing Authorship in search results, and so the interest in Authorship has dropped. No picture? No byline? What's the point? But there are still good reasons to use Authorship.

  • Currently, 157 companies on the Fortune 500 list (31%) have public-facing corporate blogs, a decrease of 3% in the number of blogging companies from 2013 levels, according to according to recent research conducted by The Center for Marketing Research.

  • Don't take down those back-to-school signs just yet, there's still work to be done. By scoping out styles before buying, Generation Z has stretched the back-to-school season weeks past its traditional stopping point.

  • Generation Z is more entrepreneurial and less motivated by money than Generation Y, according to a recent report from Millennial Branding and Randstad.

  • How can you maximize content output in the minimum amount of time? The answer, it turns out, isn't particularly complex: Spend time only on content that works. The trick, of course, is figuring out what content will perform.

  • Crowdly founder Dan Sullivan shares insights about community management, brand advocacy, influencer outreach, and the psychology of trolls.

  • Marketing and advertising executives say they review 23 resumes on average for every open creative position, according to a recent report from The Creative Group.

  • Increasing retention rates by 5% can increase profits by as much as 95%. Despite that fact, most companies rely on chance to keep customers.

  • To get the quality of your content to where you need it to be, you need a road map—or, better yet, a writing GPS of sorts that gets you from discombobulated thoughts to coherent, useful content that engages audiences.

  • Nearly two-thirds (63%) of B2B marketers plan to allocate a greater portion of their marketing budgets to content marketing over the next 12 months, according to a recent report from Starfleet Media.