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  • If used properly, user-generated content can be a huge asset for content marketers. UGC can save you time and money, and boost your credibility. Here are six UGC benefits—and ways you can profit from them.

  • Your first draft doesn't have to be perfect, and your research doesn't have to take forever. By focusing on making yourself a pragmatic writer rather than a perfectionist, you can become both more creative and faster.

  • Most online shoppers expect to make at least one-fourth of their holiday purchases on Amazon this season, according to recent research from Astound Commerce.

  • Fully 40% of holiday shoppers begin searching and purchasing before November 1, which means search engine marketers need a game plan now to make some jolly-good sales this season.

  • What exactly is identity resolution, and why does it matter to you as a B2C marketer? It may sound outrageous, but your company's most loyal customers have, on average, six completely different identities in your marketing systems.

  • AI, ML, and ABM are all initialisms we hear a lot these days, but how do the technologies they refer to work together to make your marketing efforts more efficient? Today's animated infographic explains it all.

  • Consumers say consistently good customer service is the top factor that makes them loyal to brands, according to recent research from The Blackhawk Network.

  • The home stretch of the holiday season is a unique opportunity to retool digital strategies that carry you into January and beyond. Here's how retailers and marketers can connect with consumers even after the wrapping paper is tossed out and leftovers are gone.

  • Across the globe, two retail giants rule online shopping. But their markets are different, and their strategies for growth vary as well. Check out today's infographic for the scoop on the kings of e-commerce.

  • Most social media influencers expect Instagram to be the network they focus on most next year, according to recent research from Hashoff.

  • Twitter doubles tweet character limit (and the surprising result); new features for brands in Messenger 2.2; Facebook's polls for users and pages; Snap looks to algorithmic feed to solve its problems; Twitter's ad subscription service for small businesses...

  • How can your business react to consumer behaviors—and try to beat the retail giant that is Amazon? Here are a few new, innovative ways to keep driving revenue this holiday retail season through next-generation remarketing.

  • Do advertisers promote gender stereotypes—and should they? Choozle surveyed 500 consumers to see what they think about gender stereotyping in ads. One finding: over one-third of respondents like it when ads break gender stereotypes.

  • The logos of McDonald's and Nike appear most often in images posted on Instagram and Twitter, according to recent research from Brandwatch.

  • Content marketers tend to focus on external communication channels, such as social media, video channels, and blogs, but it would be a mistake to neglect other important touchpoints. These three effective tactics can extending your content marketing reach.

  • Which channel would win in a head-to-head contest? Today's infographic pits email against SMS messages to see which has more volume and engagement, and which people prefer to receive.

  • The proportion of clicks on Google paid-search ads originating from smartphones increased significantly between the third quarter of 2016 and the third quarter of 2017, according to recent research from iProspect.

  • Despite the annoyance, budget planning is an absolute necessity. Without it, you can't proceed or succeed. When planning for 2018, here's how to avoid and correct the top 4 mistakes almost all marketers make.

  • Although you can pay to promote your brand's Instagram's posts, it is also possible to grow an Instagram account organically. These tips offer ideas for how to keep followers engaged for free.

  • Amanda Milligan, branded content manager at creative digital agency Fractl, shares content marketing tips based on her experience helping B2B and B2C clients build brand awareness and achieve content marketing ROI.